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Everything posted by dumy

  1. hey, at least your making good money..buy some montana..you'll feel better..
  2. H O L Y. S H I T. Quoted post saw this in crossfire...people are fucked..
  3. so, jennifer willbanks is stupid as hell..they finally found that klansman guilty after the jury deadlocked 6-6!..wtf? anyways, i'm at work..
  4. ok ok ok..you're right, that shit looks mad hurt..but its good i'm telling you..and they got other labels..that ain't so homo looking..I promise..
  5. thank you sir. I'd appreciate it if you could edit the pictures out of the quote though. Quoting a picture is ok, but the full post quotes throw off the flow of the page. thanks. Quoted post [/b] sorry..I wish I could..but I guess the grace period given to edit posts has expired for that particular one..but in the future I will make sure not to repost flicks..again, sorry..not trying to toy the thread
  6. when you take into account that I used to triz ho's back in HS too fucking many... and yes..I know thats fucked up..I don't do it any more..
  7. ok, thats not that bad..for a minute I thught you were about to say some other shit..
  8. yeah, gotta love the rogue..
  9. I just watched "the birds" last night..watch your ass!
  10. So today, i'm at work talking to our accountant, now she's a really sweet woman, in her mid to late thirties, the real motherly type..so anyway ..i'm asking her to check through some financial records for me for some work bs..y'all know the deal..and while i'm speaking to her, I notice she has on a long skirt,as usual due to the fact that she dresses pretty conservatively, but today it has this long ass slit in it that goes past mid thigh..and I can see part of her ass and leg..now this woman is older..but her body is still bangin'..so the whole time she's checking the records for me..my eyes keep darting back and forth between her face (where I should be looking) and those bangin ass rap video chick looking legs of hers..it gets to the point where i'm trying to will my eyes to stay focused on her eyes not her body and I feel like i'm sweating bullets (not really, but y'all get the point) while all this is going on..she's like stretching out her legs and stuff..and just making it more difficult for me..I'm sure she notices me lookng..cuz she starts you crossing and uncrossing her legs and shit..basically giving me the impression that she's self conscious of this..and I end up feeling like a big perv, I have no willpower..if a woman is showing off a hot body part..I ALWAYS look..what is up with that?.. anyways..i'm still at work..and the ac's not working or something..but whateves...just shooting the shit..
  11. this thread is seriously one of the illest in brickslayers..propers due
  12. I don't know if its quite that hard..haha
  13. yeah the requires leadership skills one..man, do I ever feel that..
  14. man..I have to go to work in like 5 minutes...weaaak...
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