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Everything posted by xen

  1. http://koalastothemax.com/?aHR0cDovL3VwbG9hZC53aWtpbWVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2lwZWRpYS9lbi83LzczL1Ryb2xsZmFjZS5wbmc
  2. xen


    Drink one for me. Today sucked goat balls. That's right. GOAT BALLS..
  3. WOW!! Gold in the nature of full disclosure, I lurked this thread a lot. ^0^
  4. xen


    Awww. I would drink a beer with you any time IRL Milky G. I have relapsed for less. Holla
  5. xen


    As others have offered me, I also offer to be an e-sponsor. Holla via PM.
  6. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! ...
  7. xen


    yet another reason to visit this thread.
  8. xen


    Throughout all of my various addictions, I would have the problem of being judgmental. "At least I'm not as bad as him" I smoke an ounce of weed a day but at least I don't drink. I drink a bit but at least I don't do crank. Sure I tweak a little but, hey I don't smoke crack. Ya, I smoke some crack but I'm not on heroin. Oxy doesn't count, right? Addiction is all the same. I'm having a REAL hard time with sobriety but it has to be all or nothing. Replacement therapy has failed. The old time AA people kill me. Come in there talking about how you are dope sick but don't drink and they will tell you to cop some dope and don't come back. Almost like ch0. Don't get your dog drunk. That's all. /dogloveraddictoner
  9. suspended plates = not in :( but i will still write bitch you ain't no ninja in a bathroom.
  10. some wrestlers that didn't realize were dead. wwf. ftw
  11. When a noob like me has to need support for every command of putty and _lemon_ is there to help. I say chaps support matters most. I can rar/unrar zip/unzip on his server using putty. I love the seedbox and I like _lemon_ also.
  12. probably a statement on gun = cock. and his is a snub nose.
  13. those that know, know. those that don't..don't.
  14. for example. i lost a buck on this
  15. Putting tape over the top of the holes on bullshit cassettes, tuning in to the uncle miltey show on 1057 am radio and hoping the asshole didn't talk over the beginning or end of a song. pulling the tape out of the boombox because i hadn't cleaned the heads. having to cut the tape out of my boombox and using electrical tape to put it back together. shelling out another $9.99 for my favorite tape. refusing to buy a tape 4 times. there are many albums i refuse to buy in any format for this reason. cassettes. discovering zia record exchange where they sold used cassettes for $2 and gave you $1 for your used tapes so the most you had to gamble on a tape with a bad ass album cover was a buck.
  16. xen


    Seriously. All my friends used to think that was just the funniest thing in the world, but even at my worst, I knew it was a dick move. Stop it. Don't give them drugs either. Shit isn't any funnier. Self destruction is one thing but your dog, c'mon son. imad.
  17. If you have/are/still can relate to a 13 or 14 year old kid, you have to see this. I laughed my ass of the whole trip. I can't wait to see the sequel.
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