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Everything posted by MyWay

  1. SHITHOT YO. Who's this? Looks like T-kid did a bit of it.
  2. Peep the SDM tag here, old mate's still got it goin on:p
  3. MyWay


    Being a butt sex fiend I was really hoping my favourite paint supplier could gimme some tips in this department. She says she can't even sit down for a day after a big session. No tips at all? I heard that Roarke makes a great anal lube.
  4. Man ya gotta give it up to Naser. Dude ain't scared to try to rock some new wild off the wall experimental shit. He wins some and loses some but is an all out winner in my books for gettin so loose with it. BIZZUMP
  5. Please die, no comments/responses/attempts at humour or itelligence. Just die
  6. That is FUCKIN SICK. All you euro 7 colour throwie style painting fucks take note. This is how it's done.
  7. Those baby charos are fuckin mint
  8. OK spastics, ground rules. No giving up aliases (woulda thought this would be obvious but?) and doesn't have to be someone from your hometown OK? Just someone who got mad ups in your hometown and had a solid influence on your shit. I should also add Krylons CI and Duke CKA to my list.
  9. You sound like the gayest cunt of all time. End of conversation. Now fuck off and spend all day doing a dogshit legal wall with $200 worth of montanas/beltons which still looks like dogshit.
  10. I reckon this thread is needed cause under the fav. writer thread every man and their dog has written saber, revok, msk, seen, cope, ja, ykk, can 2 etc etc. Who were your top 10 HOMETOWN heroes, i.e. people who's shit influenced you in real life, not from behind a computer screen? For myself hailing from Melburn Australia, in no particular order it'd have to be Transe TGC CI TAB-RIP Giroe TAB Jawz RDC Lems DMA IFE Puzle WCA DMA Merda AKA TWB Berko TSF Dskyzer MSA Sabef TGC Jayme WCA Peace y'all
  11. Yeah I agree with ya and I've repeated myself toooooo often on this subject. Simple solution, cap any trendy shit, ANY trendy shit, I don't care if you've done a million panels or gone all city with your shit styles if I want a spot and yours is available ya gonna lose it. Best solution I reckon
  12. Yep, practice is key. Just try fattening up ya tags heaps then throwing a lil curve/funk in there then outline them shits. Just do 1 letter tags then mess with that then throw on the next letter
  13. You young kids should learn how to spell if you ever want to be taken seriously. I'm all for getting inspiration and influence but there's that and there's straight out biting. It's not hard to tell the difference
  14. And someone in the above pic is trying to bite Pubes. Whatever happened to old melbourne town?
  15. Who did that last one? Shit's ill either way
  16. MyWay


    Anyone cop that new Juxtapoz with the Augor feature in it? He talks about him and camp? doing all their planning and painting and shit together? And they talk about some of their 'techniques' to get shit done?
  17. Double edged sword for shiz. Lots of folk could tell you about Seen or MSK or someshit and wouldn't know fuck all about their hometown heroes who put in work. Lazy fucks learn more about fame from websites than from actually taking the train/bus/highway wander and so who and what is up. Also to quote someone (forget who) 'ya got these fukn kids these days who tag like they're from California, do throw ups like they're from NY and piece like they're some Euro 3d type dudes'. So it's definately diluted regional/home styles a lot. I remember when I could see a piece and see who IN OUR HOMETOWN had influenced them, like say oh that kids got a Dandenong style or he got influence of When TBD for his tags or whatever. I miss them days. That being said we also had to work out how to mix paint ourselves or from older heads, having all that shit at a mouseclick is pretty sweet.
  18. FUCK YES, bump this and lets see more real CI shit, debut, frost, turbo, ulcer, napier, jayrocks, dipher, krylons, isle, raph, jeds, swel, etc.
  19. Bump the Krusher still schooling em on how it's done
  20. Jumping a fence to land on a piece of wood with a nail on the other side and the nail went through my shoes into my foot. I lifted my foot up and the whole piece of wood came up with it, like nailed to my foot. Fun, and the usual shit, cuts, bruises, scrapes, exploding paint, the freaks come out at night and that.
  21. A-We don't got Judge Joe Brown here (unless ya pay for cable), only Judy, Dr Phil and shit. And only 6 tv channels free to air. Aussie yak is shit and expensive, if you bring some goods here and they're good you will get RICH, and probably robbed and fucked up by bikies, they run the show and take that shit kinda personal. I'd love some Dominican food joints here, food in QLD is notoriously shithouse. Say what you want about multiculturalism and all that shit but FUCK eating roast and scones 24/7. Gimme all that funky Asian/Leb/Middle Eastern/Greek etc shit that immigrants have bought here. Also this country was stolen/invaded by whitey in the first place and just like the american indians and etc the indigenous Austrtalians live fucked up lives in general, had their land stolen, families broken up, no compensation, etc, goes on and on. In closing I say COME HERE and bring some good yak and Dominican food and you'll be welcomed. Peace
  22. That fresh truck kinda reminds me off skert btm?
  23. Ummmmm? Hense does his first outline with a marker? WTF????
  24. Anyone know how old this photo is?
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