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Everything posted by rattleytins

  1. i like this guys moniker Quoted post [/b] you like your own moniker? :huh2: moniker?????? :huh2:
  2. rattleytins


    ^^ is that done on the pc?
  3. rattleytins

    Anti-abortion law

    what if you raped and killed someone? i know you cant just think like that, but these people are obviously fucked up and aren't just ordinary people who decide one day to go and kill someone. whether you see what i mean ther or not, i do think the tiny sentances people seem to serve nowadays in furnished prisons are ridiculous, i just don't think that killing people is a good idea. i just think its too final, but what else can you do i suppose? it aint right to pay for them to be in prison. although ive tried to make a case against what youve said its sort of undisputable really when you think about it. :confused2:
  4. well you could at least advertise it properly by showin ghosts not fresh tags and just self promotin your hand is q nice tho, i dont normaly like that sorta style
  5. <!--QuoteBegin-vare_one@Mar 29 2006, 05:12 PM bombin is tags, dubs if you cant pull out a dub you cant do a five colour piece Quoted post well its not a personal choice if to piece you have to be able to bomb... if i follow you
  6. fuck off shaun rfc advertise elsewhere
  7. anyway you cant five colour piece so shut up
  8. but if you cant bomb and you can do a good five colour piece... thats just stupid
  9. yo those are ok, i like the first three letters of the bottom left tag, esp the o. i think u just need to practise and that way youll get better just like every1 else does. try diferent things with your letters and see how they look and remember sometimes basic stuff can look good
  10. btw dlove the thing you got goin with the l and the o aint too nice, a good piece of advice to you and probably every single person who posts on this thread would be to make ur shit more simple. and mr CS is right^^^^^
  11. learn to do throwies first, they're easier
  12. dont bother with all the add ons and stuff, just do a basic outline and get good letters before you try all that shit
  13. god or jesus, jesus would be cool too
  14. sory to repeat the question but im pretty sure no1 else has asked about it. how do u add potassium permangenate if it wont dissolve into your ink?
  15. i am doing my whole dt gcse project which is in 4 2moro :)
  16. yo i got a mix of corio and grog and i wana add potassium permanganate. it dusnt seem to dissolve in2 it tho. any1 know what i can do to make the pp dissolve in2 the grog corio mix? thanks
  17. yo i boiled up some grog and corio in an empty can of beans and when i poured the ink back into the corio bottle, a few drips went down the side of the can and into the flames, whole fuckin can blew up in flames like woooosh and started burnin soo hard. i tried to blow it out but it didn't work, and i ended up havin to hold a lid from some metal box over the top of the can. i was so fuckin scared dont let that happen to you. :dazed:
  18. i used to fuck with all paint pens and mops etc, and i dunno why but my pens aaalllways used to leak. now i just get stubby metal barreled permenent markers and add good ink when most of the ink that u get with it's used up i use tweezers to flare out the nib by pulling the fabric of the niv further out to the sides. i flared an edding pen with a 7mm chisel nib, now it writes about 17mm and round. plus it doesnt leak atall and its tiny and easy to carry around!! :):):)
  19. wow that was a little long, hopefully help sum1 tho, and if u dont like it, just consider it better than some idiot asking for the 100th time about indian ink or brake fluid when the question's already been answered waay too much
  20. basically with inks u wana try and keep it simple rather than adding every coloured liquid you find in your house. i have a simple mixture of grog and violet corio which is great basically what u shud do is get an ink u like, do sumthin to it (be that add pp or mix with anotha ink, wateva) then apply the ink b4 and after moderation to a couple diff surfaces or something in your room. then after a couple of days, try to buff em (with nail varnish remover or whiteboard cleaner spray u can get from skl or sumthin). then see whether ur new ink is a better stain that what you had before, then u can steadily progress with your inks. (try and use a couple different surfaces in your room or whereva to test the inks as some may stain metal but not plastic or whateva, also remember that some inks take a couple days to sink in and stain propa) i havent ever properly boiled inks, i hav simmered them though, testing before and afterwards, it definitely seems to help the stain. when boiling inks, dont use a pan, because that will ruin it, just pour your shit into a washed out can of baked beans with the label pulled off and it'll do fine. ive never tried it but it seems that brake fluid doesn't help inks as it is non corrosive, and only slightly alkaline. if anything it will dilute inks. additives seem to work, but again i am only relying on feedback really, pp sounds like the main one, its a disenfectant and is oxidising. i dont reli know too much about the other ones, except if you buy meth blue from a pet shop in a diluted form, it really wont help your ink, so don't use it. duno about garvey, but that sounds good, for me in the uk, corio and grog seem to be the best stuff. feibins pretty cool too. sory if this is too long btw. :)
  21. havent looked all the way thru, but the majority of handstyles ive seen here are complete bollocks
  22. i'd say that the vast majority of these handstyles are complete bollocks
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