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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. Dazzle is a trip and was very effective before thermal and radar
  2. I hear you but War and Military are two different things. Similar to Traffic Collisions and Transportation.
  3. Looks like classic Osprey Publications artwork
  4. Those Hogs are badass. I thought they were being replaced by some sht that nobody in the military wanted. If fact, they didn't want to replace the A-10 at all.
  5. Child endangerment by putting plastic bag over her son's head, tying him up, then setting the apartment on fire.
  6. So you're saying that this gorgeous angel that just fell from heaven is an ugly man?
  7. At times like this I wanted to 'react' with both of these
  8. "...This is useful in such situations such as shooting an opposing diver through a reinforced dry suit." ... Now that's a gnarly combat situation. Like a 007 movie scene. Thanks for linking the link. I was wondering how the darts were propelled. I assumed it was like a speargun, rubber band(s) or pneumatic. It's actually a 5.66 cartridge and optional tracer cartridges!
  9. Realistic shell impacts on armor models
  10. I have an exact model style, Badger AB. Served me well for decades
  11. The M88 Recovery Vehicle gets budget to upgrade to M88A3. images: M88 pulling and M1 power pack M88A2 HERCULES M88A3
  12. Possibly, Paper Chase Cool anyway though
  13. Thanks for the kind words. The 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix hasn't been re-popped by anyone yet. If you find it, it'll be like a real car payment.
  14. Those are some classic periodicals. I have that 'TOONS Sherman' but haven't started it yet. I going to convert it to an M32 ARV - TOON.
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