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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. i got a blueberry cereal bar and water...mmm, fuck a monday..i dont wanna go to school..stupid school
  2. im getting even more hungry....hmm maybe a cherry turnover
  3. like we used to say in kindergarden "get well soon" i want some captn crunch cereal, or a donut or my mcdonalds cheesburger thats in the fridge....mmm i needa stop hah
  4. ^ haha i was thinking of the same thing....but anyway im hungry but dont wanna eat...
  5. perhap: got nothing new that is good enough, but tommorow, im almost positive i will have atleast one new thing that is decent atleast
  6. i added you cracksmoka....myspace is just bullshit though, dont believe the hype..its just to cure boredom
  7. those raves are pretty good, i like them
  8. i just woke up and i had captain crunch peanut butter cereal, pretty good...now im bored again.
  9. 13liter i like that babble crib style hah..
  10. winter means that guys want ass....we need to hybernate in some asshole
  11. i like that 'you can learn to be an artist' nicee hah
  12. nice quote eating asshole that is clean = thumbs up.
  13. check out my paper chase thread. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/index.php...0entry1969960
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