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why write?

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Everything posted by why write?

  1. whoa kbats on page two? what has the bats gotten lives off of the computer? what the fuck am i still doing on here.
  2. i like those dollar bills...
  3. yeah, i post stuff on the regular...thanks a lot, i notice that i always get the S-E nice and the I-H nice...just seperated...im about to post my first sketch i ever posted...one sec
  4. okay, thanks a lot...what you think about the letters?
  5. ^^ im down for the throwie battle too, name: movies due: ?
  6. its snowing! bats can you critique this sketch cause paper chase is wacked:
  7. sounds like a lot of kbs had some fun....damn i need to catch up on the xmas shopping...
  8. what i know about xmas is gifts and fish on xmas eve! wonk saggin.
  9. damn KB' thread is dead, just like metal heads...i wish there were daily hot posts...i shouldnt be complaining cause i dont contribute but i want to look at some more steel from my room cause its too cold to be outside hah
  10. damn i got the worst headache ever....im checking out the site gooch
  11. whoa page 200...nice....im really tired tonight for some reason, but i aint going to sleep at 11;00, that will make me feel wierd
  12. ...finished my two canvases...im happy about that, maybe i will make another one...my friend is getting me back into comics/comic book characters, i may practice on my art fag-ery....whats everyone else up to besides having a shitty day?
  13. that last one is hot, something different then the usual
  14. friday...almost xmas, im bored...and i got some new sketches, check them out in paper chase and critique them for me please!! i think i may finish some canvases - catch up on the video gaming...who knows
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