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Everything posted by Scrabble

  1. Scrabble


    My headphones! These are the headphones that I replaced my broken Bose with. Theyre so much better. I love them. Detatchable cord!? Who'd a thought it would solve all of life's little problems. if you cant see the picture, theyre Technics RP-HD1200s...something or others.
  2. No. She's a prime example of why people hate most writers. Deaf, dumb, belligerint ego maniacs. Guy writers are the same way. Cant tell them nothin' without them getting an attitude.
  3. Not at all? Wow. Search feature, maybe. Isnt there a thread somewhere in brickslayers?
  4. well she obviously doesn't respond constructive criticism, or anything nice for that matter. Anyway. I really like this thread. Good discussions, some good work. It makes me want to actually go through with a canvas. I cant tell you how many ideas Ive had...or how many times I've started something and not finished it.
  5. Hell the fuck YEAH! ......On the inside
  6. This is the only thread I check EVERYTIME im on 12oz. I love it, I love it, I love it.
  7. This is true. But you, sir, should not be talking about anyone else's handstyles. You know this.
  8. Scrabble


    Re: 2003 Throwie Its a throw for the whole family to enjoy.
  9. haha....i hit him really hard in the mouth this morning. It made a nice little sound too. I was telling him off, and he grabbed me again....so yeah, i hit him. Havent seen him since. Im really suprised he didnt me back though....so thats the end of that.. Anyone else ever had a stalker? edit: i really cant spell
  10. NO. These are violent people im dealing with. edit: I could try the pretend boyfriend thing, but i dont think it would work. He doesnt seem like the type of guy that would really care whether i had a man or not. I'll try it though.
  11. I have a friend, well he started off as a friend, that wont leave me alone. He is everywhere. At first we were cool, he was just a friend, then he completely changed. It started with the questions...... "So...when are we gonna go out?" "Oh never? but for real, when are we gonna get together?" "REALLY! when we gon' go out baby?" he will go on like that for an hour if i let him. he doesnt take no for an answer, so i usually just walk away. But he'll ask the same things the next day whenever he sees me.Then it was the touching. Ive punched him in the face a couple of times, he doesnt touch me that much anymore. But now he is everywhere. I was walking today, and this nigga jumped out from behind a tree. This isnt the first time this had happened. I cant go anywhere without him being there. He knows all of my friends now. I was talking to my best friend and she said that he's been talking about me. Saying things like " Oh, im gonna get with [my name], shes just playing hard to get. Im just playing around, i havent laid my game on her yet, just watch"....errr, does this mean the worst is yet to come? He keeps telling me he knows where i live. I know where he lives, and we live pretty damn close. He knows all my friends, so its only a matter of time before he comes for a suprise visit. Keep in mind that he isnt the most attractive man in the world. His teeth are stacked like dominoes. I havent done anything but talk to him, so i dont know why he is so cocky. He's crazy, any he's not the only one. His cousin is pretty damn crazy too, and has also been bugging me. He threatened to follow me home. I have also heard that this isnt the first time he has done this to someone. WHAT SHOULD I DO? I try to be nice to people. I really try. But if this is the trouble i get into everytime i am, forget it then. I'm perfectly happy with going back to being a bitch.
  12. Was this ever really about art. This thread was probably more about boredom. But, knowing 12ozers, there were probably people who locked themselve inside for a week, and dedecated themselves to some pencil drawing just to post it here. Only crazys visit this site. Except me of course, ahem....:cool:
  13. Re: he's right~! see, i know that! Im not saying i dont respect you at all, i dont even know you. Its just that he's (Activ) talking in code or something. He cant be serious....wait. Who are really Hecz (if thats your real name)? Did you invent post-its or something?
  14. Hahahaha, top drawer, top drawer homie. If and when i grow some nuts i will surely contact you right after i get off the phone with my doctor. You can count on that. Until then, i dont think anyone on this board...or anyone in the world deserves EXTRA respect. And if they do, dont count on getting it from me. Do you give Hecz extra respect because he runs some paperchase sticker sweatshop, and has a bunch of people sending him shit? Do you even know that nigga?
  15. Um, i didnt read much of this thread. I dont like to read. But how does Hecz deserve extra respect? Sure, he's big in this little paperchase sticker scene, but whatever. I dont know the guy. It just seems he does have a lot of people on his dick. Same with dork. These 2 are like gods here. i click on Paper Chase and its like entering another dimension. Again, i dont like to read, so let me know if i dont know what im talking about.
  16. very nice Virs, what kind of moisturizer do you use?
  17. beautiful. But damn you for buying it. DAMN YOU! i want one. How much for the whole thread?........Ill write a check, yes thats it....
  18. Yes, you are. Well, probably, i cant really tell based on these bad pictures. Seems like you know what letters are though, kudos.
  19. well what the fuck do you expect its the TOYS post here thread. :huh2: Sek i like that K
  20. look around, are you sure you're in the right place? very nice by the way
  21. i used to use a lot of arrows too. One day i tried to do sketches without using one arrow so i could focus on the letters, did that for a long time. Now i cant put arrows in. I think they make my sketches look cheesey, or toy. They look good in everyone elses though.
  23. vin diesel with his ugly ass, that nigga cannot act i dont know why people like him so much
  24. YES, fuckin webcam! ...ahem, it looks good, but that R, or A looks quite strange
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