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12oz Original
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Everything posted by psm026

  1. Re: squirt? hahah I had to dip, dive n dodge that shit one time.
  2. squirters???good thing or bad thing.. im all for it....
  3. MAD NEW SHIT!! http://www.fourthehardway.com
  4. this site sounds suspect ...HMMMM???
  5. fuck that... shit looked mad fun.. kind of jealous.. and Hesh..why u trying to be a hater.. n do the misteraven.. you know once you had some zanax juice n schrooms it would be on.. youll probably find fatalist out there with her glowsticks anyways.. that would be all worht it. I always forget about this sick yearly show down.. have to mark it on the calendar for next year...
  6. Re: hardcore vs rap your gheeyy..lol
  7. psm026


    just got hooked up with a pair these joints..there pretty dope.. I had heard they were tributes to ALi..but it truns out to be a tribute to some boxers out of L.A., which was done by Estevan Oriol and Vincent Valdez ... they look hot with denim..
  8. Kick her in the ovaries and make them come out her mouth... then say I heart you.. but its over..
  9. :: pours out a little liqour for the homey.
  10. i forget some you guys are hard core internet freaks..
  11. Re: Banksy sticks it to Paris that's hot!:shakehead::shakehead: hahahah
  12. http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/gulfwar2/
  13. here's some guns for you guys.
  14. hahah.. actually I posted it, because raven passed on the link....talk to him.
  15. I stay high naturally... hesh is more true blue. :scrambled::scrambled::scrambled:
  16. I just stumbled upon it again.
  17. http://www.shriiimp.com/im/index.php
  18. 4 in the morning vegas drizzzzzhollerin... Fatalist, i know that you know what time it is..so let your peeps know..see ya soon.
  19. psm026

    sup hesh

    hesh..holleration nation...hit me on the bat line.
  20. nahh, you got it wrong that was fatalist also...
  21. Well you had already planned that out from way back ,so yeah for sure.
  22. Fatalist is gonna be my baby momma. she just dont know it yet. Hey fatalist come up to vegas there's a great wedding chapel down the street, I can pay a lil more and have elvis be the priest.
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