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Everything posted by AORAone

  1. Down for an exchange, get at me via pm.
  2. Here a sketch for your thread.
  3. anyone want to get in on this character battle going on over in that character battle thread? ill go ahead and move it into here. didnt realize the thread was 2 years old when i read it, someone bumped it. heres the rules. space toast vs bacon ill move back the due date to the 23rd. must be full page, doesnt have to be colored, NO piecing. I'd like it to be judged on the characters alone. you can throw your handstyle in.
  4. well i dug up an old thread, character battle. if you want to throw a quick sketch in for the battle as one of your days. idk if anyone is gonna put an entry in, i didnt realize the thread was so old when i replied. oh well.
  5. also, i just realized how old this thread is, ouch, im gonna PM some of the ones who posted characters, to see if you guys are still down.
  6. Well I just finished the sketch, and realized that I don't really have much colors. I'll do what I can though.
  7. space toast vs a piece of bacon bacon is obviously a villan. duh. full color No words, just your handstyle. to keep it fair, we're not judging pieces, we're judging characters. entrys close by the midnite on the 20th. then people can vote. cant vote if you submit a picture. GO
  8. PKMN CREW? Pokemon? please tell me thats not pokemon crew...
  9. damn fool. i actually took out 90% of the shit i was gonna write just to try to be decent kid. mostly that wasnt directed at you, but site. you're a bitter person, and got no respect for people that would not only write circles around your toy ass, but stomp you into the earth like fossils. get the chip off your shoulder son. at least your homie site can take some critisism. pay some due's kid, THEN run your toy mouth. All you little "taggers" want to run your mouth like you own shit, why dont you go take a look around perth? theres some kats straight destroying your city right now, if you werent such a fucking cunt maybe you could get some tips. Your boy Siter should leave your ass out in the cold, cause all the shit you're talking is gonna get him hemmed up and broken.
  10. scoe,my advice to you is to stop the coloring. its cool to do it every once in awhile, yeah, you got these nice markers laying around, fun to use, etc etc. but really, if you're just laying down the framework on it, (so to speak) there is no need to waste the markers on it. sketch some shit out a few hundred times, and when you get to the final, and you really like it, sure, burn some colors on it. but yeah, just hold off on the colors, i mean, it looks like you inda know what yo're doing, but its not neccessary at this early point. if i still had all the markers from back in the day that i wasted on sketchs, i wouldnt have to buy/steal any on a reg basis. keep up the good work though.
  11. you should ask a mod to close this thread to replys till you are done. or its gonna be 500 pages of nut jocking and bullshitting before the year is done.
  12. that "life" and "death" piece are straight biten. Crips? what you know abot that hmm? gettin' your skip skip on? your homie "siter" his hands are okay at best, the one you posted of his done in white, you can tell where he stopped and changed up speed of the marker, its a very unnatural "flow". If you dont get what i mean by that, take a maker that bleeds when you set it on a piece of paper. when you stop it will leave a bleed mark, if do your handstyle and theres any bleed in the whole thing, then your not flowing right. cause when you go to mop that out in the streets, or spray it up, your gonna get drips in the wrong places. you shouldnt have to stop and think about whats next in your handy, it should be all gun and go.
  13. definitly worth it, ive wanted a silo painting for 6 or 7 years now.
  14. thats good stuff. wish i could fuck with a similar style, its too frustrating for me.
  15. wes, i went to her website and asked for that to be custom painted. I've wanted a silo painting since back in the day, i used to watch her and The Mac paint behind this old pawn shop here in phoenix at a chill spot. ever since then ive wanted one. now, i got one, haha.
  16. Glue 04' still clean as hell Kodak Kid Smokes a Ham joke
  17. haha, VC, thats what i was thinking. let getting advice off a message board go as far as it can, if it doesnt get you far, THEN go looking for an ass beating.
  18. Well the fact that you "didn't say anything at all" when you post your "tags" isn't helping your situation, you will find that if you ASK for constructive crit's, you will get it. Instead of just posting your "tags" try saying what you like about it, and what you would like to change, and ask for opinions. Like the other guy did, he got his response. I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you in the toy thread, thats like watching blind bulldogs play fetch, pointless. If you've got something to say, or would LIKE someone to give you some advice, you can PM me, and we can do shit from there.
  19. Obviously I did NOT paint this. It's a portrait of my wife, painted by Silo. I cant find the perfect place to hang it, it's moved several times.
  20. Learn some stuff before you go running your mouth boy...
  21. coupe lewis tank. need a new camera?
  22. maybe because you're calling it "tags" eat - no bubbles, if you're that new to graffiti you should be sticking to basics, and i mean extreme basics. like making sure all the lines in your letters meet up, bar thicknes, and all that good nonsense. dont worry about 3-d and all that. for now.
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