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Everything posted by shai

  1. [attachmentid=22952] New purple mix from last night....Garvey and Rolmark, the usual. I love this color, though...and it shadows like crazy.
  2. Yes, they are...not refillable, though, as far as I can tell. The ink in them is hot shit, though. Either wait for me to get them, or Google them...they're still available. Those sponge painters would be perfect mops...I've been using similar ones for years.
  3. There's other pens like this out there...this is the most common one by far, though. I'm sure almost everyone has seen the one on the bottom- BTW, those are cool for the first thirty or so tags, then the tip goes out. These pens, however, are underrated...and, when I wear them out, I crack them open to get the ink. Get a few of the black ones and do this, and you'll see what I mean. That ink has some pure, concentrated, staining power I can't describe. I plan on selling these someday. Cool beans, I say. Check 'em out.
  4. Ive been told mixing vanilla essence in is better" :huh: :huh2: Please tell me you didn't do this. Pilot ink would be a bad-ass base, but I can't get it in the quantity I would need to make it cost-effective- say, a half-pint or so...that's eight 1 oz. bottles, for $25 retail? Whew. I have to order this stuff nowadays, and I get the player's price, but I'd rather use it in Pilots, personally. I'm looking into a new line of ink that may be the ticket...but, I have to try it first. I have to keep it on the DL for now, as I don't want to jinx the deal. I may be coming up on my capital to get the ink/pen site running soon....Maybe by the end of the year. I'm gonna post a link here...I'll have EVERYTHING you could imagine. Then...
  5. ^You can refill Pentel white pens (100w's...the short stubby ones), and here's the trick. Labor intensive, but possible. Take a flat head screwdriver, and CAREFULLY pry the metal surrounding the tip assembly. You don't want to crack the plastic. Then, take a pair of pliers and CAREFULLY rock the assembly back and forth till it loosens. I have a special pair of pliers with rubber tips, but you can improvise with rubber bands or tape. The assembly should come out in one piece if you do this right. At this point, if this works out, you can add whatever's clever to the marker. To reseal, use the pliers to rebend the metal, and cover the edge of the assembly. If you want definite leak protection, use some kind of sealant like Shoe Goo or Permatex around the seam. I don't think that the tips on these pens last long enough to make this worthwhile, but that's how you do it, in any case.
  6. [attachmentid=22834] :haha:..Fuck this fool.... :burn: ..... :chicken: ..... :five-o: .... :gaga: ..... :yuck: ....... :shook: ......
  7. That's how Babel Fish translated it...but, I still don't get it. I think it's a neat idea, though I don't plan on buying any. I like to see my tags as I do them. Mar- It sounds like it's time to strike out and experiment...I saw a 70 mm mop tip online a while ago, but I don't remember where. Probably some Euro site has them. Good luck, be safe.
  8. Hey, metro, I was gonna pm you..check those in a couple. I'm not sure what I can send there, since I am having money problems and misunderstandings with the USPS...but, I'll PM you a link to both of those. I just had a package to Australia rejected because the ink contained xylene! Live and learn. What's funnier is that they sell xylene there.
  9. Invisible Graff Ink??? I don't know...it's from Germany, and I think they are way ahead of the curve when it comes to supplies. From what I can gather, you write on something with this clear fluid, then 10-20 hours later a brown stain appears. Like I said...I don't know. If it works, then that's one of the craziest things I've ever heard of. If anyone here can speak or read German, would you give us a breakdown on this, please??
  10. Can you get any of these in your part of the UK? They're inks I know for a fact that are distributed in Europe. Remember, the more you buy, the less you spend. Ink prices tend to go way down when you buy in bulk.
  11. I had to cancel the order- no dinero. I'll come up soon, however. Maybe my friends in SF have it by now.
  12. I was recommending a way to get that look...Montana XXL chrome can with a gold or pink dot has been the best way, if not the cheapest way, to get enormous silver lines. Personally, I think you're wasting Garvey. Get some aluminum Rusto and try that first. Or, I'll buy some rusto, and we can trade for the Garvey. :haha: I think this mod sounds like a potential nightmare. Even if you get it right, the trick is to get it right consistently, say, 9 times out of ten. Then you got it...I've lucked out and gotten the coolest effects or colors before on a fluke, only to be unable to reproduce them. But, that's life.
  13. Then you already know how bad of an idea it is...in the long term. Shit's fun, though.
  14. Deka Airbrush ink is surprisingly good. Can't speak for anything else, though.
  15. I never planned to meet anyone, it just seemed to work out that way. Besides, you always get disappointed when meeting writers in real life. Fact.
  16. shai


    I may have just the thing you're loking for...I may sell my MBK trekking series-it's a little big for me (59 cm ctc). I'll let it go CHEAP. Say, $50 plus shipping. I got a really good deal on it, it will include frame, fork, hs, seatpost, and binder bolt. It should have plenty of use left in it. It's not pretty...I'll post a photo later. PM me if you want. It rides really nice, and could be used for some light 'cross action. It's not too light, however. Or modern.
  17. Get a XXL Montana chrome can and a gold or pink dot. This sounds like too much work. That setup I mentioned is out of control...you can fill in a blockbuster in five minutes like that. The tags I've seen with it are crazy- 4" lines, easy. I know of a place that MAKES cans, but the cost is $11 a can. It does come with a rusto fat, though.
  18. Flip- It can be done. It HAS been done. That's all I'm gonna say here. I wouldn't recommend it unless you know the trick. Taper- Any liquid ink is worth a shot...but, don't blow up their spot- be discreet. Copiers are nice to have if you're into wheatpasting- I didn't say that. Strike the last comment from the record. :wink2:
  19. Looks good...but, if that's your real word, I'd pull that photo right away if I were you. Just looking out, that's all. Otherwise, SHUT UP, SHAI............... The only thing I'd worry about is dropping the damn thing...I have Serious Butterfingers. Me and glass are not friends. I wouldn't have thought of this since I don't wear cologne. I should, I stink like three goats. :lol:
  20. [attachmentid=22553] This is blacktop...named for the black cap. I always called it "poison ink", as it says so on the front. Very perm. Hard to make pens with, but it's doable...mops work better with it, it's thick and I can't seem to thin it w/o making it thicker (?). So, now I use it as is. See the above posts as to why. You have the blue one w/the white cap, right? It's not perm. Same bottle, though, so you can do what I did with it. If you saw it over in the marker thread, that's how I do it. It's really easy. If you don't have the right mop tip, you could use eraser felt folded in half...but, it's gonna be messy, just so you know. It will work though, probably better than mine does. Thin the ink down a LOT to make sure it flows well.
  21. Ive got some sanford blizzacktop, but its fuckin thick as glue. They say you thin with acetone for more speed? I chucked it in a liquid chalk marker and i got some crazy streaking and crappy application going on. It looked as if a pilot jumbo was on the verge of packing it in. This stuff appears black when it goes into the marker, but comes out purple when applied so i just dont get it? Ive gone to racking up other shit and getting some decent scars, only using 3 things. Any help on the blacktop? I say keep it simple, the simple shit works best. ----------------------------------------- Shit, I just remebered something! The Sanford blacktop ink is perm and fadeproof, but it won't mix with a lot of other perm inks since it has a phenolic base. Phenol is kind of outdated, and it isn't compatible with most other solvents. So use it by itself, or if anyone knows something that does work, I'd like to know. I killed a mop the other day not knowing this...yes, I still fuck things up, believe me. ---------------------------------------- There's my two cents. Got me...put it in a mop, I guess. I haven't the slightest idea where to get phenol from. Try acetone, or better yet, mineral spirits. It's more of a all-purpose thinner, and more neutral, I've found. Or japan drier might work, too. This shit has a tendency to turn to jelly if you add the wrong thing to it...I like it, but it's tricky to use. I used to use this for stamping....wow, its intended purpose! Stamps are a good way to get up...maybe I'll cover this elsewhere sometime.
  22. "THANKS Alot shai... im glad i didnt do it before you told me, i assumed it was alchohol based for some reason... so... anything i can add to the sanford ink to make it not... wash away in the rain... cuz i was thinking about making the bottle into a mop... and i dont like dumping out ink... thanks man" Chuck that ink, it's garbage...the ink bottle trick is in the marker section. We must be on the same page, I did that a few days ago. :ballcap:
  23. "shai dont blow up my way of makin krink on the board yet." Never...that was golden, or should I say silver, advice. I'm only giving away old secrets, no current ones...and that has SO much potential. Thanks again. I'm doing three things at once right now (A/D transfers, cleaning house, and cooking dinner) in addition to posting, so I'll be a little slow...there's a couple more things I want to cover here...BRB.
  24. i think they run about a dollar or two. i'm not too sure, cause i racked it, and i never check the prices. i'm too busy looking out for myself. :haha: That's the truth...unfortunately, me and two other people have kind of blown up our local store. I never even used to look out. I was thinking about pushing a cart out the front door at one point, but by then they had gotten cameras and a rent-a-cop...that's not me anymore, though. For a while though, It was TOO easy. I like that angled tip...does it add anything cool to the line? If the foam was firm enough, I could see it being a good thing.
  25. I've been slacking, but no longer...I have all new and improved mods, so put on the nerd hats and check this out...I just got Picasa, which is this super fun photo application from Google..hence my artsy-fartsy new look. Let me know what you think, I'm having a blast with it...I'm not very handy with Photoshop, and this is retarded easy and fun...here's a link to it if you like it. http://picasa.google.com/ And, if you like my boring ol' photos, I'll go back to those, too. ;) [attachmentid=22513] This is a 1 oz. squeeze bottle. I cut the hole in the top a little bigger, and pulled a piece of felt chalkboard eraser through it, filled it with ink, and there's the results. [attachmentid=22514] That's a Sanford blacktop bottle with the ball popped out and a mop valve tip in its place. I had to cut 1/4" off around the top so it would fit. I think the new/old ink combination made it clog a little, so use the stock ink and save some time. [attachmentid=22515] This is an old OTR I fucked up with Krink, that i pulled the valve out of. I then took a piece of felt, foled it in half, and pulld it through the top, again. It writes even better than before! Flows nice, too. [attachmentid=22516] This is what the Leeho line looks like- sharp, and clean. I went out ith this the other night, and it's even better than I expected it to be. All right, I have to go pass out now. I'll post some more stuff I'm cooking up in my head soon.
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