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Everything posted by shai

  1. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I think I see you lurking here....if it's a hassle, don't worry, I can look for it...it just seems like you are always on point with it. Like, POW! There it is again...I guess since I don't need it. I never bothered to make a copy. What do you know about DRM cracks for .wma files? I've heard a whole bunch of conflicting reports, but the Napster crack supposedly strips this type of encoding. If I'm not mistaken it's written in Python, so it's portable.
  2. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Damn...I missed casek again. Never fails... I was drinking wine at my neighbor's house, and it turns out their computer needs work...and I need that list of freeware you seem to always have handy. Oh, it's XP, by the way. And, I might get a job at this store working on the POS system...score! Good thing, my rent is going up soon.
  3. shai

    Head On!

  4. That's what I heard, too. Then again, I hear lots of things, so...I've also heard it's a lot easier than it seems and the ingredients are not what you would expect them to be. Actually, that reminds me....I wanted to ask DOERDIRTY how he went about getting his ink made, or if he does it himself. I thought about it, but seeing as how I have no head for business, I figured I'd be better off letting someone else do it. I don't want to know how it's made or anything like that. Mostly, I'm curious how you dealt with getting around VOC compliance laws, since if you want to get anything made here (California) it can't have a VOC rating higher than 60%. Then again, if you are doing it on the sly, it doesn't matter.
  5. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I'm sorry, I had no idea...wow, that's cool. He's a good guy, you're lucky. Also, I should add that I was joking... Well, good luck with that.
  6. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I think I know what happened...did you use Ccleaner and delete something important? Maybe, an .ini file you needed? Ccleaner is tricky. If I'm not mistaken, Mainter might be able to help you out, but I'm not 100% sure. If you can get away with it, there's always the live CD trick...simiar to the Firefox on the USB key trick.
  7. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> He probably doesn't care.
  8. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> That happened to me once...somehow my X config got FUBAR, which made everything look like 2600 graphics for a day. In the end I had to reinstall the system, but now I know how to fix things in Xorg or Xvesa, so it's not as big of a deal when something goes bad. Frustrating, but not a total loss.
  9. Unless there's something about liquid chalk I don't know or remember, I doubt it. Liquid chalk is water-based, so acetone wouldn't help it or hurt it. Some other tips I forgot to bring up- -Nothing lasts. Have all the fun you want mixing inks, but at the end of the day the only thing that's truly permanent is etch. And, since that's off-limits, I'll add that there's nothing quite like heaving a brick through a window to make your day...and ruin someone else's. If you want, write something on the brick, but consider the anonymity factor. Also, most transit agncies spend more money on graffiti abatement than you'd think, so whatever you do is only going to run as long as they let it. -Being skeptical is good. If you read something here and it sounds wrong, either don't try it or keep asking till someone has an answer that makes sense. Fucking around with chemicals is dangerous, and could be bad for your health. -Write shit down. If you get something right, don't count on memory to be the most reliable way to reproduce a mix. -Olive oil=clean hands. Most of the time. There's a hand cleaner made by Phil Wood (Google it) that works well, and won't ruin your skin. I try to use natural stuff to clean up my messes whenever possible, like Citra-solv or Simple Green, or napthalene soap. I only break out the heavy shit when absolutely nothing else has worked. -Nobody can make Krink except for KR. Metallics are tricky....that's not to say you shouldn't try, but don't go crazy trying to get it right, because you won't. Believe me, I've tried.
  10. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Casek, check your email...It will be from the the 12 oz. email relay system.
  11. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Casek, what did I ask for? If it's the BIOS thing, forget it. It's no big deal. But if it pops up, let me know. Things are strange...I can't go into it right now. I'll explain it all later.
  12. Slow night. Actually, I'm trying to find that kid, I want to get that handled...my memory is shot from years of volatile chemicals, so I can't remember his name. I know his real name, but not what he goes by here..I just want to confirm that he still has the same address. IMPORTANT LESSON- DON'T ORDER ANYTHING FROM ME, PICK IT UP IN PERSON...I AM A NOTORIOUS FLAKE. But, if anyone wants to know anything, I'm around for the time being. You know what to do. However... 1. Look here first. Everything has been covered twice. 2. I found everything I ever used or could ever want on the Internet. 3. Industrial supply houses are the first place I check. 4. More ink/paint, less solvent. Don't overdo it. Use japan drier. 5. Outside, with a mask. Okay, off to the races.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> That's about what I thought. It's funny, all three of those distros are completely different, but all of them are good. Mine is distantly related to Slackware, but I prefer something Debian-based running KDE. You're right, having MS training is like money in the bank. I think it would drive me crazy having to use Linux on a regular basis and fix things in MS, however.
  14. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I guess it's different for you...the novelty hasn't worn off for me yet. Mainter, there's some irony in the fact that as a MSCE, I've noticed on more than one occasion you've recommended that people install Linux. Care to elaborate? I'll admit that if I had the means to do so at this point, I'd go with a dual-boot with XP and Linux...both for the sake of convenience, and because I know a lot more about system maintenance than I did when I started out. But, Linux is more than adequate 95% of the time. I just get sick of waiting for apps to be ported to Linux...and having to go through the whole alpha/beta/RC process just to have to compile binary code. .exe is a great tool, if you understand how powerful it is and don't use it indiscriminately. I'm having installer issues today...in case you haven't noticed.
  15. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Just woke up and refreshed the screen...if something good happens, casek, I won't be on here tomorrow. Maybe I can parlay that into a couple days away from here (meaning the temporal here, but here as well, I suppose), so here's hoping. If I am here, I'll catch up with you then. Hopefully not...well...we'll see. Don't have a floppy. It died. It's not a huge deal, but if I get a drive I will let you know. Where is Mainter? Did he get bummed out on us again? I could get in touch with him, I guess...nahhhh, he'll be back.
  16. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Yeah, she's great. I mentioned her before...it's funny, we had a mutual crush from he day we met but were involoved with other people for the past year, and had no idea because, hey...I'm a stand-up guy, and she's on the level. Good things to know.....Anyway, I ended up at a show she was playing at, and we started talking about our recent breakups...then, it finally dawned on us that whatever applied before was now a moot point, and...I'll leave the details out, except that this all happened right before she was going on tour. I don't really know what's going to happen, but she wants to hang out soon...whatever that means. I think I know what it means, or at least I hope I know what that means...it's hard to say, when she left she said she wanted to pick things up where they left off when she got home, and i told her that was what I wanted as well. I've been let down in this situation before, though...people change. As far as this zine is concerned, It's gonna be a fucking novel before I get around to putting it out. I'm aiming for the end of the summer, though. I'm doing it all on my own, and compiling years of art and writing while I do it. One of my summer projects gone haywire, you could say. You can have one for all the help you've given me, it's no big thing...I might do something like give people the option of PDF files, but if I do that I'll probably tarball or gzip them and upload it on Mooload. There aren't going to be many hard copies, as that shit costs bank and I just can't afford it. the ones that do get done, however, will be really nice- at least as nice as I can make them. It's up in the air, for now. We'll figure it out. I'm about to call it a night, I guess...before I go, I was going to ask you about updating my BIOS, but I can't remember exactly what BIOS I have...I think it's Phoenix 4.2, I have to shut down then I'll write it down. Take care, good luck with that.
  17. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Working on a zine. Drinking water. Wanting cigarettes, but can't afford them right now. Also, thinking about a girl I like that just got back into town. She's been on tour with her band since May and her van flipped over in Texas last week...all they had to do was change a tire, and they were rolling again. Thank God she's okay...I've had a bunch of friends die recently. I think if anything had happened to her,it would have finally set me off, though. The computer is fine, so I decided to leave well enough alone. For now. California is kind of boring, don't believe the hype.
  18. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> What are you working on tonight, casek? Anything interesting?
  19. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Once I looked inside his G3, I was surprised to see that the design on the inside was not overlooked. If you're a geek, you notice things like that...it was very elegant and economical, everything was placed where you could have easy access. The idea of attaching the MB to the hatch was a really good touch. They don't use cheap shit to build them...everything I saw in there looked well-built...plus, the SCSI master drive is pretty smart, that way the access speeds are higher. They also seem to do more with CPUS with lower clock speeds, which keeps the power consumption down, I would think. Also, the fact that they used DRAM up until the G4 was another point in their favor. It's cheaper, and if it goes bad it's not a huge loss. Now if they could do something about that stupid desktop in OSX, I'd really be impressed.
  20. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> "WHO FARTED...WAS IT HIM? GODZILLA, THAT'S DISGUSTING!"
  21. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Neither do I. Well, I used to be completely ignorant beyond how to use them, but now I'm just ignorant. I did a little work on my friend's G4, and you know, it's not that different for the most part. I used to hate the hardware and like the OS, but now it's the other way around. Funny.
  22. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> "DON'T MAKE ME MAD...I'LL STICK THIS THREE FOOT LONG FINGER WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE." "HEY, LOOK! IT'S ELVIS....HAHA, IT'S JUST ANOTHER GIANT ROBOT. YOU HUMANS ARE SO GULLIBLE." Same thing, need a exact replacement. And, it occured to me that we need to have this drive and the new receptacle drive plugged in to the same computer. Everything is Mac, so I'm gonna let him read these and decide if it's worth the risk. Thanks, though, and I'll definitely keep you posted.
  23. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Not right now...like I said, the urgency has lessened somewhat. I will try that, but I don't know what a good arm looks like compared to a bad one. Plus, I imagine I have to do it with a Mac handy...in case it works. I'm not going to wreck my comp for this, I decided.
  24. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> "GO WEST, YOUNG MAN...AND SEEK YOUR FORTUNE." "BATHROOMS ARE TO THE LEFT." I'll think of some more.
  25. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Wow, it doesn't look good. He dropped that drive while it was in a USB case about three feet. I doubt he wants to buy another drive to try a solution with 50/50 odds. I'm still thinking about this. I'm not done yet.
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