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Everything posted by shai

  1. shai


    Hey, if you find one of the really old lugged steel Treks (think clamp-on shifter mounts and cable guides), jump on it. There's a good chance it was built by Joe Starck....who went on to build for Masi and Rivendell. Nowadays his frames go for at least $3000 new... I've had several of those over the years, and was always very satisfied with their performance. Oh, and another tip- 98% of the the old-school lugged steel Specialized frames were built by Miyata...and, if you're really lucky, some of the first-edition Allez frames were built by 3Rensho, who built a lot of bikes for keirin racers. Extra good shit. Look for second or third edition Suntour Superbe gruppos on the Allez bikes. That's a good sign.
  2. Will it be white and accompanied by a bunch of dancing hipster silhouettes? If not, I'm not interested.
  3. Oh, but lest I forget....I have one of those rubber band keyboards. Those are nifty, too. You can throw them at the wall, and they'll laugh at you.
  4. ^HA HA HA HA HA....I could use one of those. That's awesome, Mainter. The official 12 oz. keyboard of choice.
  5. I'm not sure....EBP mentioned wanting to get something going on, but if the lady calls me, I'm gonna hang out with her. She's fun... I'm sure something is going on. Plans change.
  6. LENS passed out in my room last night with his shoes on...if he wasn't such a nice guy, (and I wasn't such a nice guy, incindentally) I might have been tempted to beer-elf him. I'm finishing the beer from last night right now...and, it's not fucking killing the hangover. I might have to go to the store.
  7. I just checked distrowatch, and the final MEPIS 6.0 release is out. I gotta install this, so I may not be around for a while....hold it down, Mainter.
  8. Okay, I don't remember where it is right now. (Thank you, Budweiser.) Skating was not a go....it's not even noon, and it's already 80 degrees outside. Bleah. I need to lay down. I'll be back soon.
  9. Okay, I'll upload it...give me a little bit.
  10. spectr- good, I was out really late. But, if you need any help, the offer stands...did you try that Dreamlinux CD out? Mainter, I have no idea where I got that from. Torrentspy, I think...I could Mooload it, it's not too big.
  11. Fuck it...I think I'm gonna go ride my skateboard around for a while.
  12. Hi, Mainter. I'm hung over. How are you doing? Why won't my .rar unzipper work? Computers are stupid. It's all about abacuses. -Shai
  13. What the fuck am I supposed to do, let him shoot the lock off the door? Those Desert Eagles are nothing to sneeze at. He has two of them, and he's always hopped up on dust. I don't understand Nicotine (the Linux SLSK client)...fine, I cry Uncle. XP does make certain things easier than Linux.....you happy now, Bill Gates? Fuck you and your nine kajillion dollars....I STILL think Linux is better. And, even if you give away all your money, I'm still a better person than you could ever hope to be. Yeah, I'm wasted. HA......HA.....HA.
  14. spectr, you can come by and use the rubber keyboard if it happens again. Even when I'm not here...the door is open. Or the window...that's open too. You know how to climb, you're a graffito tagger. You have a free pass...show them this post, and say, "XXXXX said it was cool....and he said to put down the Black Dildo Of Doom." Just stay away from my paint.....goddammit. Or it's the Dildo for you.
  15. Okay, it's a go. I really gotta get the hell out of here...my new lady friend left something important here, and I want to make sure she gets it before she goes out tonight. if you would be so kind as to let me know what you think the problem with that stupid .rar file might be, I'd appreciate it. I'm at a loss. That's Windoze for you....broken before it ever gets installed, ha ha.
  16. Oops...well, I'll do it, or you can email it to me. My bad, I meant to do that today. Duhhhhh.
  17. casek, PM me your myspace info...I'll put you on, fo' sho'. I have to step out for a while....I may be on later tonight, but my plans are pretty flexible right now. If not tonight, tomorrow morning....I want to get this XP thing figured out.
  18. Ha ha...I think I know who you're talking about. I'll ask him, but I don't know...he just got into town, and I'm not too sure if he has his flicks with him or not. You probably should send him a message, but I'll try to remember to ask him about it the next time I see him. We were talking about taking up a collection to get you a ticket out this way so we can all hang out. But, for right now it's mostly just talk.
  19. So, I'm using the new P4...It's FAST. I need some advice, though...this machine has RAMBUS, and I'm not too familiar with it. I do know it's expensive. I only have 256 MB right now, but it doesn't seem too slow, strangely enough. I tried to unpack that .rar file, and it's not working, for some reason. Hmmm...well, maybe it's a corrupt file? my file manager is saying it's not a .rar file. And, I installed Linux RAR, so that should be working.
  20. I have the Os Gemeos issue! I remember thinking, "Wow, this is the nicest graff zine I've ever seen." Honest, no sucking up. The way I see it, as long as we keep contributing to 12 oz. the whole mod thing isn't all that important to me. If we really wanted to be mods, we would just start our own board. But, Mainter is busy with school, casek is....I don't know what casek does. I'm a spastic ADD case, and probably the LAST person that should be in a position of authority. Let's keep things the way they are, and I'll be happy. And, that's all that matters....as long as I'm happy, it's all good. I got a Dell Dimension 8100 P4 with a DVD drive today for 80 bucks. I FUCKING LOVE OAKLAND. It has Win 98 on it...for now, but I think it's gonna be the house server. We'll see. I need to take it apart and figure out what's going on. And, I want to do a Tech Zone logo...I don't know if you'll like it, but I'm going to do it anyway and post it. Why not? Actually, I have the perfect drawing....I'll get 'er done.
  21. Why would you want to do that? :huh: Seriously, though....look for "mac osx emulator/skin xp" on Google. I think I saw one a long time ago, but the name escapes me right now. Thanks, casek...what are those .r0x files, checksums? I figured the .rar file was all I really needed. Oh, and the Demonoid torrent site requires an invitation. But, since you knew what I was talking about right away, I'm sure it's the right file. I can't remember where I got it at the moment, however.
  22. So, I got XP Barely Naked. Now, here's the thing- I have nine files with the extention .r01 through .r09, and a .rar file. What the heck do I do with these .r0x files?? I imagine they need to be converted to a single .iso and burned to disk, but I've never seen anything like this before. Oh, and even though Dreamlinux 2.0 was compared to OSX, I'm going to let that slide and try it out regardless. It does look nice, I must agree...I like Xfce 4.4 a lot, and it looks like I can run KDE if I want to. Oh, MEPIS 6.0 rc3 is really buggy- hopefully they'll work out the issues before the final release. I'm actually on a old Wolvix live CD right now, since all my Zeroconf files keep getting blanked in MEPIS....thus disabling every browser I attempt to install. Well, I'll check back in a while. Let's run this bad boy up the flagpole, see what he does.
  23. Fuck, I just woke up! Give me a break... Where can I get a copy of Barely Naked? It's for some old music apps.....fuck it, I cry uncle. Thanks for the Vegas "demo", casek....how long will the torrent be up for?
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