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Everything posted by shai

  1. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> http://www.mooload.com is a pretty good upload site. 500 MB, permanent storage. 25 GB is insane. I don't know how that could be profitable, unless they spam the fuck out of you.
  2. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> It's worth checking out, for sure. It's like Best Buy, but they sell everything from consumer electronics to what you would need to build your own computer, as well as Mountain Dew and Doritos. One-stop shopping for nerds!!!
  3. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Lucky you...it's like Kmart for geeks. You'll love it. I didn't realize they were expanding outside of the Bay Area...
  4. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> To Ride The Fire- I'm giving up on MEPIS till the final release is out...I had the same problem you did with getting Xwindows to work, but I finally got it to load....then while the installer was running, the system crashed at the "22% completed" point. So, phooey. Grafpup seems to be okay for my immediate needs, if you want the link it's.....http://grafpup.com.....if you want to try it out. Sorry I couldn't respond sooner, there's been a rush of traffic on all the mirrors for MEPIS lately. I hope they get it together soon.
  5. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> ZING!!!
  6. shai


    Will do....my roommate has the camera, and he's off tomorrow. In the meantime, here's a (bad) shot of the Sycip....it's for sale, if you're interested pm me...$350.
  7. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Wow, you used to tell me to quit using Opera...things must be bad with Firefox, but I figured that would happen, as well. I think a lot of hackers use Linux but do all their dirty work with Windows. You almost have to become one to get good at Linux (beyond everyday usage, that's no big deal). Yeah, there's always gonna be the people who want to come up and do stupid shit like credit card fraud, but if the hacker is true to the game it's mostly just to take a look at what's on a system and get out without being detected or doing damage. I think what's going to become the issue in the long term (I'm thinking the next ten years) is people bending the rules of the GPL to develop proprietary closed systems in an attempt to try to get the most work done by using existing code. Think of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as being direct descendents in the spirit of winners like P.T. Barnum and any of the Rockerfellers...the key is to get rich and never mind how many rules get broken or people it steals from. OSX is a good example of what could be the beginning of the decline of the spirit of Open Source, depending on how you want to look at the issue.
  8. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Are me and fuse the only two people who use Opera? Damn, it's great. Even if they charge people money for it sometimes.
  9. shai


    I've been meaning to post here for a minute...I was a messenger in SF for eight years, and these are the two bikes I ended up keeping... 58 cm ctoc Albert Eisentraut fillet-brazed racing frame with rear monostay. It's one of twenty built and painted (orange and white) for the Oaktown racing team in the mid-80's. Campy Veloce/Daytona 9sp Ergopower gruppo, 170mm crankset w/ 52/39 Salsa chainrings Salsa cross interruptor levers Campy Chorus 32h wheelset built on Velocity Deep-V rims w/Record 9-speed 12-26 cassette on Panaracer Pasela 28's Salsa 80 mm 30 degree rise steel 1" quill stem, Salsa Bell Lap bars 44 cm Brooks Swift ti rail saddle I do some off-road on this, so it's set up for comfort no matter where I end up. The off road rig- 58 cm early 80's Specialized Expedition touring frame, lugged, built by Miyata Old XT canti brakes and short-cage rear derailleur, 175 mm XT cold-forged cranks w/36 t Salsa chainring, Suntour Bar-Con ratchet shifter, Dia-Compe 287 brake levers Campy 36 h High-flange Record hubs on Campy hoops, w/ 14/28 5-speed Suntour Winner freewheel, on WTB Velociraptor 32/30 cross tires Nitto Technomic 50 mm stem w/Nitto moustache bars Brooks B-17 Standard saddle This is FAST off-road, and totally stable. It's okay on paved surfaces, but i find myself wanting the road bike someties even though this is a much more comfortable setup. I have all the touring gear for it, as well...racks, panniers, fenders, lighting system, etc. I also have a Sycip 17" dual slalom frame, and a 58 cm Specialized Sequoia road frame as backups. And, the usual box o' spare parts, of course. I used to have a ton of other stuff, but I gave it away or sold it over time. I haven't been riding much lately, but I'm planning on doing some bike camping later on this summer. There's a lot of good spots close by, no more than a day or so from my house. Eight years on the road means I take it easy now...but, these are the bikes I plan to keep forever.
  10. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> That's funny, we had some crackhead trying to buy a pair of shoes off of my roommate ALL DAY yesterday. She finally said, "Fuck this, I'm outta here..." without bothering to tell this dude no shoes would be forthcoming. After the fourth time he showed up yelling her name, I went out and told him that we didn't expect her back for a week or so. He started to get salty, so I said. "Well, I'll tell her you came by," and walked in the house and slammed the gate. I didn't really mind the crackheads that much, but now they're getting pushy. This is bad. I'll go straighten it out tomorrow, let them know that our Satanic cult is looking for members or offerings... That Micron is still not working, but since it was found in a dumpster, meh...and the dust bunny it farted out taxed my entire can of air. Now, it's clean enough to eat cereal out of...and, I'm starting to think that's about all it's good for. I got into the BIOS, switched the boot order, put in a CD...but, it's insisting that there's no HDD, insert boot disk....even after all the other drives are unplugged...It's too bad, it seems like it would be a good machine, but it was probably thrown out because it's junk. Hmmmm..well, I haven't given up. Close, but not yet. I need a beer. I earned it, why not?
  11. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Mainter, casek, RTL- if you need to talk to me, I'll be on AIM tomorrow...sometime after 12 noon (remember, I'm in CA.) RTL, with any luck I'll figure that MEPIS problem out. I hope they didn't change it THAT much...that would suck.
  12. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Wow, fun party...at least the tables and chairs showed up. I know, casek...all too well. Sorry, let me know if I can help you out with anything...like those mp3 files of my group (hint, hint). It's the least I can do.
  13. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Hey, RTF- I'm on here and AIM for at least the next 45 minutes. If you got the login screen for MEPIS, that's a good thing, you're doing fine...the logins are "root" for root and "demo" for demo. Root gives you the option of installing to HD, demo is just a live CD session w/o root access. I'll tell you how to set up your boot sequence....when you get back to me. It's a very easy system to use. Don't be scurred. Oh, this is important- If you plan on installing ANYTHING to your HD, either use an old HD...or backup anything you don't want to erase to another drive or CD, because you'll have to format and partition your HD and thus wipe out anything on there. The installer will explain all of this, but I want to stress the point. I only had to do this once to learn the hard way.
  14. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Okay, no pressure...I'm right there with ya. Thanks for the pointers, once again. I've got a million things to do, and I'd like to go out and pretend to be social tonight.
  15. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> RTF- the reason I wanted to do this on AIM is because it's kind of complicated, and it would be easier to explain it in real time. Casek, I don't know...I just thought you could add something to the conversation.
  16. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> casek, give me a whistle on the AIM phone in....three minutes. I gotta run downstairs for something.
  17. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Hey, Ride The Fire...there's usually a config screen that will ask you to choose between Xorg or Xvesa...did you see that? If you're on AIM, I'm CoolCalmChris...I can try to guide you through it. Maybe casek will jump in, as well. Better yet, use Mepis. Knoppix seems to be more troble than it's worth (sorry, casek), and Mepis fires right up...plus, it has apt-get, so all the packages you can get in Knoppix are available. Trust me on this.
  18. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> I have some of those...so, the male or female end? Female, is my guess. And, yes...we're all gonna die, but I'm not in a hurry one way or the other...sheesh, you think that a bunch of tech guys would be impressed that someone even THOUGHT to ask these kinds of questions. You know...I need to do this first. What do you know about BIOS for a Micron Millennia? It's got an ASUS board and Celeron processor...some old box my roommate found in Berkeley. As usual, he wants me to wave my magic wand over it and say, "ALA PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES!" and make it work. It seems to be another Phoenix BIOS, which is cool because I'm familiar with them...I just need to switch around the boot order and look at a couple settings, make sure they're good to go. It seems like it was a nice setup at the time...there's some interesting stuff here to play with. It didn't have an ethernet card, but I happened to have one laying around, lucky guy. He's been patient, so I want to surprise him when he gets back. Oh, it's going to be running Linux, of course...in case that makes a difference.
  19. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Okay....what about the amperage/voltage thing? I try to pay attention to things like that.
  20. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Oh, okay...well, is that safe, or am I doing something potentially risky here?
  21. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> casek- "Hey, shai, how do you keep an idiot in suspense?" shai- "Uh....I don't know, how, casek?" casek- "I'll tell you later."
  22. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Okay, I'll take the bait. What's a molex cable?
  23. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Well. the case I have has 7 3.5" bays, so I just left one bay open between each drive to get some circulation going on...but, the puny fan in there doesn't move enough air. I have this monster 140mm fan, but it's a two-wire job, and the board requires three-wire fans. I'm making it work...plus, it's hot, and it's blowing air at ME, too...
  24. Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>> Why bother? This was free, and it probably does a better job of keeping things cool than most other solutions. Mostly, it's for the HD's at this point...there's a CPU fan running as well, that seems to do what it's supposed to do well enough.
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