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Everything posted by shai

  1. Sort of like malloc in Linux...okay, I got it. Well, I think he got it. I'm sure we'll find out one way or the other. I had casek jump on AIM and help out, too. That was a big plus...thanks, casek.
  2. No, he got it to work after he cleaned the install CD. Last I heard, he was burning a TinyXP ISO. What is the ks.sys file, anyway? I told him he shouldn't try to do without .anything that ended in .sys.
  3. I haven't been able to get a hold of him on AIM...I hope it worked out. He was having some problems with the wifi config...naturally, I referred him to casek.
  4. Casek, can you jump on AIM for a minute? Thanks...EBP is stuck on a problem, sort of.
  5. EBP, I think I have something that can help you. I can't go into it here, but Mainter knows what I'm talking about. Hopefully, he can vouch for me.
  6. Will do. The first install went pretty smoothly.
  7. Yeah, I think it's not gonna be a problem. TPB has the following bundled in their ISO (which is 696 MB, which is why I asked you if it was the full version)- Optional Manual Installs in the "Software" folder on the CD If you click inside the folders in "Software", all you need to do in each case is double click "install.cmd" to install the program. This will put a shortcut in Quick Launch near the start button and also, a shortcut on your Start Menu. Ad-Aware SE Professional v1.06 r1 HijackThis v1.99.1 Mozilla Firefox Web Browser v1.5.0.5 Nero BASIC Edition v7.0.1.2 Opera Web Browser v9.0 SpaceMonger v1.4.0 Spybot Search & Destroy v1.4 Sygate Personal Firewall Pro v5.5 (build 2710) Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition v10.0.1.401 WinRAR Corporate Edition v3.51 I can just save the stuff I have installed on my current install from my Programs file to RAID. No big deal...I'll keep you posted on my progress with this. Thanks again.
  8. Mainter- Does that ISO install the same as the last one? And, does it have the added apps (Winrar, Nero, Opera 9.0) on it, or are those part of another package? Thanks again.
  9. Mainter- I need a upload link to a TinyXP 5 ISO...I can't seem to get my torrent tracker to play nice with TPB right now. If you have one you'd like to share, PM or email me a link. Thanks.
  10. I managed to get it to work. I got sick of it, though, and uninstalled it. I had to do a little hacking to get results. It's easier to use stylesheet based skins.
  11. Oh, get Simply MEPIS 6.0. There should be a download link. No, I'm 100% sure there's a link...left side of the page, about 1/3 to halfway down. I can get a copy to you, too. Either by Gmail, or p2p. Your choice.
  12. Norton is not your friend. But...I finally get to say it. CASEK'S WRONG!!! But, he's right, too. I'll explain. Or try to, at least. There is a Windows emulator for Linux called WINE that allows you to run Win32 apps in Linux. The reason casek may have neglected to mention WINE is that it sucks. It's hard to config, and it's slow. It's one of those things that you would use only out of sheer neccessity. Emulators are cool in theory, but I find that in practice they only work well for certain things. I use one for XP called Cygwin that opens a UNIX shell on the desktop, and I only use it for two apps (mc and LAME, which are a file manager and mp3 encoder). Beyond that, fageddaboutit. It's back to the old Linux box. Sourceforge has all the Linux apps you could ever imagine, and some you would never even think of. Also, there's apt-get...that's got about 19,000 apps, and these sites called RPM (Red Hat Package Management) lists that have even more junk to wade through. Most distros use one, if not both of these, as installers for apps...I'm sure this seems arcane and weird, but it's not...it's just different from what you're used to. Is it better? I think so, and I can help you out with the Linux stuff, since I spent the past year using it full time and know a thing or two. However, I suggest you do a lot of research on your own. I learned the hard way, and to some degree I encourage you to do the same. Keep your XP box handy, though. That was my big mistake. To start with, get MEPIS 6.0 (http://www.mepis.org). Once you have the ISO (disc image), burn an ISO CD of it at 4x speed with Nero (there should be something in the help file that tells you how to do it, or check the MEPIS site...failing that, someone here will explain), and we'll go from there. Ready...set...GO!!!
  13. I think she has the hots for you, casek. That or she has one hell of an online shopping jones, and you have the fix. Either way, you're fucked. You should enter the Witness Protection Program. It's been nice knowing you.
  14. My only gripe about OOO is that it's bloated (200 MB, about 50 MB of which you really need). Besides that, no complaints. I see OOO pulling off the same coup that Firefox managed by beating MS at their own game in the not too distant future. Nobody I know uses IE anymore.
  15. Yeah, they're slowly beginning to realize that even if they don't like OSS, it's not going away, and it's in their own best interests to learn how to coexist with it. OpenOffice.org and Mozilla definitely helped. They may very well be smarter than I thought. But, I'll always give MS enough rope to hang themselves with.
  16. Don't mention it....I just tell everyone who's interested that there's no need to pay for software or OSes anymore, then show them how it's possible. I do this simply because I think people like Bill Gates and Paul Allen are rich enough to live for the next million years rather comfortably...they aren't exactly hurting for cash.
  17. Johnny, if you need an office suite, OpenOffice.Org is good...it's big, but it does everything Outlook does, and better. You should spend some time on Sourceforge and look at what's out there as far as free/Open Source XP apps. I think you'll be surprised. I still love Linux, but there's some major advantages to XP that make life a lot easier (hardware support, for starters).
  18. Johnny, I can't recommend TinyXP highly enough. You have to try it to understand how great it is....it's like the best things about Linux and XP in one package.
  19. Is it better? There's been a couple snags here and there, but nothing I couldn't work around. Let me know where to find it (not here, of course...yoiu know how to get in touch). My guess is TPB, but I want the ISO. They didn't have it for TinyXP4.
  20. VLC for media files GIMP for graphics GAIM for chat Audacity for A/D conversion/recording Microburner for CD/ISO burning Opera 9.0 is my browser Cygwin for when I miss using a UNIX shell and for mc The previously mentioned anti-malware apps All run on TinyXP4, which is amazing. That's all I really need. If you look on Sourceforge or Versiontracker, you can usually find comparable apps to what you pay good money for.
  21. Yeah, just use the free stuff. All my (installed) XP apps are Open Source or freeware...it's great.
  22. Oh....in reply to the last, Avast, Spybot, Ccleaner, Kerio, and WebWasher hold it down over here. I'm also using a system monitor called Rainmeter now. It's kind of like Torsmo for Windows. I got it from <http://www.ipi.fi/~rainy/ index.php?pn=projects&project=rainmeter>.
  23. Yay! I'm a nerd, she's a nerd, you're a nerd...we're all nerds in here. I forgot to mention that I figured out how to make XP look like BeOS. Was it worth it? You bet it was...I love the way BeOS looks, but I've never installed it. Don't know why...lazy, mostly. I'm about to leave the house...I'll post a screenshot here soon. Looks good.
  24. Yeah, I had been meaning to drop that gem on you for a while...she's a nice girl, but she smokes the dope like it's going out of style. It's also that I keep my comp really, really clean, and have not one, not two, but FIVE HD's (two in software RAID, two in JBOD, and one for the system) running, so it's a matter of knowing what I know (thanks, BTW) and doing what it takes to keep the show on the road. Here's another funny one, a lot shorter...I was trying to share files on a certain P2p with my GF, and it just wasn't happening...so, I checked to see what was the problem...as usual, the ports her comp were listening on weren't set up right, so I told her I figured it out, but hadn't fixed it because I wouldn't want anyone switching things around without permission...so, she called me last night, and said, "Hey, did you check your ports yet? Mine are all set up, and it's working again, so thanks...but, you should look at your ports, too, since I still can't see any of your files." I did, and lo and behold, she was right. So, now I'm off to portforward.com to hash this out.
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