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Everything posted by shai

  1. I'm sick with some kind of chest cold so I'm eating soup and watching a Lord of the Rings movie. I want a cigarette, but I can't smoke. Tried a glass of wine, and it tasted awful...and it's good wine. That thing with the cell phone...man, you're evil. I lost a phone a while back, and immediately turned it off and got a new one...but, right after that and every so often I get calls for "Antoine". I then say, "I've got him tied up in the closet...if you don't pay me the money he owes by tonight, it's all bad for him," then click. What do you know? They NEVER call back....
  2. I'll post the good word here...I ordered it last night.
  3. It may help, try japan drier for even faster drying.
  4. I cut the tops all the way off with a razor, or squeeze just underneath the ball with some pliers. (That sounded bad.) It should just pop right out. Cutting it is faster, though. That Sanford shit is dope, for sure. I've had fun with it, and it's easy to find. I like how it says, "poison" right on the front, too. I just have more exotic taste, lately. I guess if you smell the violet ink, that's a big clue. If it's got good solvent, it'll let you know. Chances are better if it's old, too.
  5. You know, I've just never had much luck with Krink in anything but a mop...it dries the pen out really fast, and sometimes all that comes through the tip is solvent, and no silver. Maybe it's just me that it happens to. I'd recommend Bluepath mops over anything else. This is also my connect for these, by the way.
  6. This is about average for SF hills. I've bombed the Haight St. hill a few times on a skateboard, and once on a 20" with no brakes...the only scary part is hoping the light at Divisadero is green. It's also an average SF hill...but it's about six blocks long, too. I'm too old for that kind of shit, nowadays.
  7. NONONONONONONO!!! It won't mix...get a mop. http://www.krink.com Do I work for these guys? No, I wish....
  8. Cash, you know you want that bottle..come on. I want that bottle...filled with some hard drink.
  9. hummanahummanahummanaMOMMMMMMM! MOMMMMMMM! THROW DOWN SOME MON-AAYYYYY! DA ICE CREAM MAN IS COMING!!!! I just ordered this... [attachmentid=21573] Then I'll put inna this thang...I'm drunk.
  10. http://www.krink.com/ Fuck the rest, use the best...he ships worldwide. There's no excuse.
  11. 50 euros? Never mind, that's too much. I can get liters of Montana for $22 out here...I'll probably order some pens, anyway. If they break me off a wholesale price, I might try it, however.
  12. If the Japanese companies made some Euro-style markers with their ink or paint, they would really be onto something, there.
  13. They work really well as fine art tools, for me. Who needs a 50 mm marker to tag with? Come on, that's too much. 30's I can get with, but still they waste ink and the tips aren't durable enough for prolonged use. I like the ink they have over there..That shit is expensive, but I trade a lot of homemades for euro shit. I don't know why I like it, I guess it's because it's not made domestically.
  14. ^^That's why you always leave it in gear and curb the wheels. Old SF trick, and it fucks with car thieves. They NEVER check for that one. My warn is at zero, and I intend to keep it there.
  15. I think some of the Euro gayness can pull the hat trick sometimes, but there isn't anything at that site I can't find locally. Cash and I don't see eye to eye on this, btw...but, I respect his opinion, all the same.
  16. http://www.edding.com/1448_DEU_HTML.htm http://www.edding.com/1457_DEU_HTML.htm http://www.edding.com/1463_DEU_HTML.htm http://www.edding.com/1460_DEU_HTML.htm I ordered a catalog from these guys...they're like one stop shopping, if I've ever seen it. Why isn't anything like this available in the States? I'm going to blow a check on this company, if I'm not careful...they even sell one liter bottles of ink! Can I go live in Germany now? I've been good, I swear!
  17. You wouldn't get enough to make a dent in another marker, believe me. What's up with Pilot ink going for $5 and up a bottle???? That's what I want to know. It's not like they don't make it anymore- I can still find it for two bucks and change...I think graff stores are ripping us off by inflating the price, and citing "limited availability". That's bullshit, since I can walk to the stationery shop by my house, and order it for less than what it cost me in 1990, if you adjust for inflation. Again, what's really going on?
  18. I live across the bay...I'm caught up this weekend, but get back to me someday soon. That's too bad about your mom, just stay positive and tell her you're there. Culinary academy, right? Sounds fun, but fuck the hours.
  19. "cash refund you are correct europeans do not have any concept of personal space" I concur. Especially when the Euro ladies won't leave me alone...man, I hate that. Wait a minute...
  20. Stamp refill ink (Procolor, Viking) is in almost every office, and I use it all the time, with great results. The bottles can be used as a pen, too...wait, are you bombing at work? Wow, you must hate your job. Be careful, that shit has a weird way of biting you in the ass. Oh, the ink jet ink isn't too hot, btw...powder toner is a good ink additive, however. Take some home and try it out.
  21. To which I would say, "Does the Pope wear a funny hat?"...but not in front of the Pope, of course... No less than two on most bags, and sometimes as many as I can think of. The record, so far, is 17. Took too long, though. I don't like it when people go on threads and captain them...so, I'll post some photos, including the ones I already posted here, on another thread in the Untitled group. I consider bagmaking to be an art, and I want to show SOMETHING I do off, since I don't paint many graffito tags lately...I'll discuss details and some history, and explain the flaming hoops one has to jump through to obtain one. I'll come back here with a link when I'm done.
  22. Thanks, I was on some kick tonight to get everything ready, so I had the motivation, I guess. This one came out really well- I do better work at night. Here's some other recent works. [attachmentid=21498] [attachmentid=21499] These were donated as prizes to a messenger race in SF two weeks ago. My ex won the "QCR3" bag. It's kind of funny, seeing as how she has two of my bags already she doesn't use anymore...and now, she has three. :haha: That is one nice bag, too...a lot of detail work went into it. I'm glad I made it strong, so I doubt I'll need to fix it anytime soon....but, none of my bags have failed, so far. Another friend won the blue one, so the irony of the first was offset by the goodwill of the second. Everything worked out in the end, I guess.
  23. [attachmentid=21497] I had to tune my sewing machine tonight so I could make a bag for a friend going to India. It takes days, sometimes, to tune it, but I did it in an hour tonight.(I worked for a bag company a while ago, and have been making bags on a small scale since then. Oh, and I was a messenger for years, and never liked any of my bags, so there's the motivation and backstory.) Since I had to test the machine, I ended up making this bag. It's the Halloween bag, but I guess it could be the Giant's bag, too. Black body, orange trim and details. I fucked up and made it a lefty (to be worn on right shoulder) but the high point was that it only took 90 minutes to make, and I only used two bobbins. (It usually takes three hours and four bobbins.) That was my late night.
  24. The drips, I meant. :ballcap:
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