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Everything posted by shai

  1. Do you backjump in A-Dam, or is that just in Germany? Also, has anyone ever puked out of the window of a moving car? It looks like that...
  2. You want an opaque ink? Here's one of my favorites. I've been waiting for someone to bring it up. [attachmentid=21443] This is Marsh Rolmark. It's a white ink that works really, really good...if you do it right, and it takes practice. Get a can of this. It's out there, trust me. [attachmentid=21444] This is the tint. It can be found at almost any stationery store. Works well alone, too. Usually marketed as Viking or Procolor. Comes in different colors. Pick one. [attachmentid=21447] Fill up a mop (no pens!) almost to the top with Rolmark. Start with the tint...I usually add 10 drops at first, then see how that is. To lighten, add white. To darken, add tint. Put a shaker in, like a small nut or bolt- as long as it fits, and won't clog the valve. Put on the valve and cap, shake for a minute, and try it out. [attachmentid=21448] This came out a little dark, but that's okay. It will shadow more on porous surfaces. This is on vinyl- not porous in the least. Try mixing tints to get different colors. Also, almost any stamping ink will work- I made a flourescent yellow mop the other day...the pic doesn't do it justice, but it's bright. [attachmentid=21449] Three cons to Rolmark- one, it smells like cat piss. Two, I've never found a solvent for it. It's pretty thin already- in a pinch, I'll let the can settle for a while and pour a bit off the top to cut a mix. And, three- the first couple times you try it, it seems streaky...shake the can for five minutes, and go slow with the line, and it's magic. As far as where to find Rolmark? I've found it in every city I've lived in for the past ten years, so it's available. Trust me. The shit runs forever, too...the white lasts the longest, by far. I've seen five year old white tags of mine looking like new. It's got the nice, even Marsh drips. And, it shadows pretty well. I feel like I haven't kept up here, lately, so I thought I'd share a good one with everyone. All I ask, is that if you are a toy, wait till you can come off well to use this. It was hard to give this up, so do right by it. [attachmentid=21450] Here's the door prize. I found these a while back. They're the size of a Pilot, made of hard plastic, screw cap, mop tip. They work really good vertically and not so good horizontally, since you can't squeeze them. What IS it? I call it a Men or a Pop, depending...weird.
  3. Stupid browser..keep going, the next one is the one to look at.
  4. Leave out the kiwi juice, it's schiesser, as the Germans would say.
  5. yea I just got one and I know what you are talking about. What were you guys talking about with the pump system simmilar to otr then? Quoted post [/b] Exactly. I still want one of those huge Tagline pens, but they sell out before I can order one. The marsh brush is pretty wild, too.
  6. That's heavy duty ish right thurrrr.
  7. Like airbrush ink? That shit is cool...I had a bottle of Deka crimson that looked like blood. Otherwise, I dunno...
  8. Cant you just put in some paint and thinner when it runs out? Nope...you're on the wrong track. You THICKEN the paint to solid form, then add it. Liquid paint would be a mess.
  9. Hey, metro...the sponges I'm talking about are marketed in the states by Mary Kay, and I got them at Walgreens. They're about 2" in diameter, 1/4" thick and they come in a 50 count bag. (File this under Embarrassing Things Your Girlfriend Has You Buy At The Store between romance novels and tampons.) I used a hot glue gun to attach it, then trimmed the edge w/a Xacto knife.
  10. You should be listening to this... it will make everything okay.
  11. Ahhhhh....I know how...it's easy, and cheap if you can find the "refills", but it is easier to replace them 95% of the time. As far as doing the chemistry yourself, here's a big clue- the idea of a streak is to stabilize paint to work in a range of enviroments. So, the idea is that you have to lowering its viscosity, and then add chemicals to facilitate its use under any conditions. The main additive I know of in streaks is glycol, AKA antifreeze, which gives streakers that sweet smell. Glycol is also an ingredient in brake fluid, coincindentally. I don't really want to go into how to thicken paint here, seeing as how most people won't bother, but there are books about it out there. Guess all that time I hung out at the paint store paid off...
  12. Oh...yeah, I call those mops-whatever...and, the tips do that, usually if exposed to solvents or brick walls...that's why I don't use them so much anymore, and stick tothese bad boys... But, I used to get the round cosmetic sponges and use them as replacement tips...they are a higher grade of foam that holds up well to solvents. Look for them at drugstores...glue 'em on w/superglue or barge cement, them trim 'em down...or, I used to be the asshole who would just steal five valves for every mop I stole. Thought I'd throw that out there. Those Bluepath pens are the shit since they are actually made for drawing and are smaller, and thus, easier to use. The only catch to these is that the ink or paint that you use can't be too thick, since the valve is smaller and more prone to clogging. And, they're pricey and they are really hard to find in stores, but that link is where I get them from, in a pinch...I've been using them for years, and will often buy a store's entire stock when they pop up. That's a ringing endorsement from a cheapskate like yours truly.
  13. What IS a dipper? Explain, then maybe I can help. Pics help, too.
  14. Etch isn't complicated at all, it's one chemical....one super gnarly, don't-fuck-with-it-under-any-circumstances chemical... I'll tell you how to make ink...READ THE FUCKING THREAD. Then, if you have questions, ask. But, you can't be lazy in here, around me anyway, and expect to get anywhere. I will give you a hard time, but only to get you motivated and prove me wrong. Be careful about what you mix, too.
  15. Then, we must be talking about different things...that stuff looks opaque. It also looks burly...we should talk about a trade sometime. I kind of remember those panels....(sigh) BVD, JC, DOT, ARM, KDS...Those were the days. And fill ins on the sides of the 14 bus and the old Boeing cars...Remember in "Malicious Mischief" when I think UFO and BUM did those heavens on 101 IN BROAD DAYLIGHT??? I know you do.
  16. That's a color I haven't seen before...
  17. I posted this elsewhere a few days ago, but it applies better here... etch bath is hydrofluoric acid. here's a link with info. RISK ASSESSMENT: USE OF HYDROFLUORIC ACID i wouldn't use this stuff even if you paid me. and, the idea of someone using it who has no idea how dangerous it is is sobering, to say the least. think about etch being to graff the same way steroids are to baseball- of course, there's short term results, but you know it's wrong... plus, you'll get caught someday, and your teammates won't like you in the meantime since you make them look bad too. it's just better to leave it alone, i can't stress that enough. it's done more to hurt graff than further it, since 90% of the time, it's small business owners who get hit....because, generally, people who etch windows don't care about the rules of engagement, like leaving mom and pops alone. and, it usually costs $1500 to $3000 to replace a plate glass window. that's an automatic felony, right there. so, if i haven't talked you out of it by now, please don't bring it up on this thread again. thanks. The link works in the marker mod thread, if it doesn't work here. Etch is for suckers and is SO 2001. Every time I see it I lose respect for the writer that does it. Also, no hotting up of the thread, por favor. The mods will eat your face off. Stick to ink, and have a nice day.
  18. NOT WHITEBOARD!!! whiteboard erasers are for toys that cant figure it out..not that im saying youre necessarily a toy, just uninformed...if you're lucky, lots of schools buy blackboard erasers because theyre cheaper sometimes, so you can rack em easy. anyways, heres the link to the kind of eraser youre gonna want. http://www.officemax.com/max/solutions/pro...kOID=1611252571 hope you can find one. on another note, ive realized that when you replace the kiwi nib with eraser, the size of the mark gets smaller and streaky. so basically, ive decided that its easier to buy the $1 on sale ones at your local grocery store and use them as is with your own ink of course. I know they wear fast, but not that fast. plus, that nib juices up real quick. and gives nice drips and coverage. anyone agree? Quoted post [/b] I do. I only use shoe polish on on occasion, squeezies are my thing...hey, spade, I need to get that address- get at me! And, that purple pen does have some give to it.
  19. [attachmentid=20997] here's mine...
  20. I've never heard of that...post a pic, if you can. Carbon ink is the best waterbased ink, by far- sometimes I go out bombing with a carbon ink I made, and it looks pretty good. Sanford definitely makes some good stuff, though. Anyone who came up with the mean streak is aces in my book. If they ever make a refillable magnum, with refill ink, then they'll be even better.
  21. Panakeii, that's a crazy story...I've had a couple of those situations happen to me until I remembered what I learned in chemistry class...some things just do not work well together, like rap and metal, for instance....unless you're PE and Anthrax. Be careful, dude. It was funny, though, I'll give you that...especially if you mom or your girlfriend had walked in right then... "What the FUCK are you doing?!?!?" "Aw, nothin'..." That Higgins is waterbased, but it's one of the best. I've heard that it's used for tattoos, so yeah, it's permanent for sure.
  22. thanks...it's my official 12 oz. tag. he's the blackest white man i've ever seen, for sure. i think all these pens are made in one factory- kind of like 90% of the bikes from taiwan are made by a couple of builders. i'd give up drinking for a year if i could find the dumpster behind the pen factory...or if they'd send me all their seconds, postage due. we could work it out. i'm ready.
  23. ^yeah, and it seems like it wouldn't seal well unless you hot glue the edges. who knows, if the shoe fits...
  24. ^never seen that one before....it looks like a deodorant till you open it up, and the price is right. i'll have to check it out. thanks. here's a gem i found...i went to office max a while ago to buy toner for the copier at work, and came across these, believe it or not... [attachmentid=20897] it had glass chalk in it, and they had about twenty of them on the shelf. since they were $1.99, i bought a few (on the company tab- thanks, guys) and tried them out. i put some marsh in one and took a walk. it works as well as any other flowpen i've tried. here, take a look... [attachmentid=20899] this is with montana on paper. it drips pretty well if you juice it, just not here. the tip is still in good shape after some use, but i don't use pens like this on rough surfaces since i like a clean line for chisel tags. i'd like to find out who distributes these bodies so i could buy them in bulk..i'll have to look into that. it sure beats paying eight bucks for an otr, though, if you're cheap like me and willing to put in the work.
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