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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. come here bigjoe, i want you to buttfuck me
  2. http://www.mayhemupload.com/images/bus.jpg'> given this picture, im going to guess it's in frisco
  3. my neighbor has allmost the exact same truck
  4. http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/dancewiggertease.gif'> dance little wigger, dance
  5. brass polish hmmm put a few drops of it and put it on a metal painted surface, then let it dry. then try to wash it off and see what happens. keep me posted on the results.
  6. you guys are making me want beer here the vagrant's choice is magnum 40, 1.39. steel reserve generally costs more
  7. i had the worst hangover ever today from drinking 2 whole bottles of wine last night, i was still drunk when i woke up at 4 in the afternoon today and i didnt even realize it
  8. magnums are based on xylene not alcohol
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