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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. well, since i didn't drop any info it would seem that i am keeping that potential ending to myself. don't get your e-panties in a bunch. i can care less what you or anyone else thinks. if that ending is in fact the real ending, trust me, it WILL be real lame for a show like this.
  2. yeah, tonight's episode was good. i honestly hope the shit i heard is not true.
  3. i mean the end of the series. if it is what i've been told, it is SUCH a fuckin let down!
  4. hahaha jumped the shark indeed! someone i know said they heard from a reliable source what the real ending is. i'm not sure what i think of it. but, if it is in fact the real ending...........LAME!!!!
  5. strom thurmond is older than the big bang.
  6. the muscles from Brussels has nothing on:
  7. word, for bush. the american people:
  8. and for the clansmen: blackwatch! x-clan!
  9. chuck norris sucks! kurt russell owns all!
  10. dam, hitler vs unicron would be sick!
  11. Bonus: Too hot to handle, too cold to hold They're called the Ghostbusters and they're in control Had 'em throwin' a party for a bunch of children While all the while the slime was under the building So they packed up their group, got a grip, came equipped Grabbed they proton packs off their back and they split Found about Vigo, the master of evil Try to battle my boys? That's not legal
  12. Re: model planes not plains yeah, i may grab something this week. not sure what though. the show was just random art on or made of skateboards. i'll get some pics up.
  13. thanks people! it's actually made out of a skateboard deck, not cheese.
  14. wow, that deck is interesting. i couldn't have done it better myself.
  15. thank you sir. tommy did one too, i'll send you the pics. big jim and steve rolled through tonight, but they didn't do any decks. it was like a little reunion, but we were still missing a few heads.
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