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Sir Doodles

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Everything posted by Sir Doodles

  1. What if they took pictures of elected officials and documented their shady deals? Oh wait...they're only the underlings to those who maintain the status quo...fuck these guys and service they're performing here.
  2. I heard Daley picks on writers cuz he ain't going after real crime or corruption.
  3. Crowns are for clowns, forks are for dorks. KING RICHARD RULES CHICAGO....
  4. Lebron ain't coming to Chicago....boo hooo Fuck the Lakers!
  5. I had to watch someone on the side of the Washburne climb under the fence because they couldn't climb over the fence...only to see them roll right into the person pulling the fence up for them. Pure hilarity!
  6. Hitler had the right idea but the wrong timing.... (too soon?)
  7. King Richard runs this city ask Toddy who daddy is....
  8. Magdalena's got some fly tétas!!!
  9. Yeah but Pose gives you all the Stink Eye.
  10. Let the kra-kaka talk begin in 3, 2, 1....
  11. Thank goodness no one gets popped at the Piggly Wiggly....or at the Polo Boutique for all you Hip-hop ham & eggers...
  12. The American Dream is for those who sleep...wake up already.
  13. Just run up there and take hold...
  14. Gaze?! wow...that cat was ill (still is).
  15. and then writers became designers. well some of them at least.
  16. Well all they had was King Cobra...drink it till you're seeing doubles.
  17. Daytimes!!!!! Somebody got to cop the liks for the heads...who's making the run? Sisco, MD 20/20 Kiwi Strawberry....Boones Farm...and the ever famous 40oz for you doo-doo heads.
  18. Touché...and now back to our local bickering.
  19. This city is an aye yi yi waiting to happen...Chicago love or no love!
  20. Peep the Prowl KMD tag in the third pic!
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