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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. i thought about you a few days ago. i was cut off when some dude ran a stop sign... dun dun dun road rage. i followed him into the parking lot where he headed to the mc donalds drive through, i waited til he rolled his window down and yelled, "thanks for cutting me off so you could rush to mc donalds you fat fucking fuck!" har...
  2. omg cute pup. does he wear pajamas and live life slow?
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear friday, hoorah!!!!! <3 ssn dear cali, bring shoes to wear in the river and some paint. <3 ssn
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, be here at 7 or else... <3 ssn
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, thats child porn!!! please don't become like one of those fucking stupid douche bangs who say oh lemme ask my girl, lemme ask my girl if i can go, lemme ask my girl if i can have a life outside "us". i will have to kick you in the groin and make you suffer if you become like that. <3 ssn dear cali, dude and i are going to ozo but the homies will most likely drink and gamble while they wait. you should come early, i get off work at 4 and the show starts at 8 so come about 5! <3 ssn
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, omg stfu. what's happening to us? <3 ssn dear cali, yes please bring food and clothes for my poor hungry children who have to do their homeowrk in the dark thanks to the electricity being out and all, those fucking fucks. im looking forward to seeing you and gossiping about bullshit. <3 ssn
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mall, i fucking despise you. <3 ssn dear weekend, please hurry the fuck up. <3 ssn dear cali and ink, bring shoes to wear in the river. <3 ssn
  8. true!!! i love melons. tpbm knows how to swim.
  9. true. tpbm is joining our 12oz tubing fest next weekend
  10. my cheap tube popped once and it was no bueno. you can rent a nice one for 20 like milk said or you can buy a nice one for about 40. milk and i have awesome ones that doesn't hurt your ass. oh yeah, lift your butts a lot too cuz those rocks will hurt your ass. p.s. bring your own paint for sunday
  11. count and lugr, if you guys wanna come you are more than welcome. just bring money for tubes, foods, and beers. my dudeface's car is already full so find a way to get up here. p.s. a/s/l if you wanna tube with us pm me
  12. i messaged your hubby. they will be here the weekend of the 17th. you and 88 are def with us all weekend!!!
  13. listened to old records, cleaned the house, washed sheets and blankets to get ready for schnitz, inface, and caligula's visit. can't wait, fun will be had...
  14. it was a great time seeing my friends and family. i cried on the drive back because i missed my mommy already. nothing beats spending time with the ones you love and i laughed soooooo much my face was hurting.
  15. mushroom bisque seared tuna squash blossom scallops sea bass lamb ravioli truffle mac n cheese chef made a special vegan pasta then my battery ran out...
  16. why did they include disney characters in it's a small world?!
  17. my mom packed us a lunch to take to disneyland i think you have to be gay to work at disneyland
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