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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. the daily grind this cereal is so good made sammich for work get dressed put on shoes feel a cold coming on these things make me laugh curry slow simmered for an hour, sooooooooo good.
  2. i used to work in that lame ghetto ass mall, fuck that place. nice flicks.
  3. im very glad to hear that. the adoption fair im going to this weekend is some giant one in the bay area. i guess a few of the rescue groups are getting together to host one giant fair. wish us luck.
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear duck, hooray!!!! <3 ssn
  5. you did! soulkillers, you can always go next time.
  6. be safe squirrel. this weekend im gonna rock the mask too. i have a huge pet adoption fair to go to, i wonder if the mask will scare the dogs.
  7. sympathy for lady vengeance, not as good as old boy but still fucking rad
  8. ^^^ triple date possibly this weekend? you need to learn to burlesque with the mask on. btw, you seem very happy. im very happy too.
  9. haha i know what you mean... im about to do the same and eat some ramen noodles
  10. said good bye to an old friend, rip tried a new restaurant bills, ftw!!!
  11. snack time mas snacks don't feed the animals you idiot!!!
  12. bay bridge traffic went to the north bay found this dog wandering the parking lot, got my xtra leash out and called the owner who didn't even sound like she gave a shit went for a long hike saw snakes
  13. i would if i could. thanks for the invite, i really appreciate the thought. <3
  14. lol thank you injury. got up and did some of this bullshit made the breakfast of champions she was hoping i would drop some crumbs got ready for work sushi lunch bibimbap for dinner relax
  15. i just looked up ticket prices for feb ($692), not bad. i'll run it by dudefacemanboy. hope you're not under a bunch of dust. <3
  16. yeah fuck this daily grind shit. i need a vacation!!!
  17. always wanted to visit your state. dont be surprised if i pm you one day and tell you im staying on ur sofa.
  18. that's so sweet. i would consider hanging out with you too. hahahaharrrrr.
  19. it was fucking exciting esp the 9th inning!!! yes i thought that SQUIRREL looked familiar. hope you liked the peanut i threw you. =)
  20. yes, the giants won fuck you dmv!!! car wash trader joes
  21. make it a blockbuster night ate some vegan chorizo dog went to support the sf zoo schnitzel and brickos
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