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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. must have coffee made soy chorizo scramble with mushrooms, cheese, red peppers shumai wants the sun to come back i went out and shoveled the motherfucking driveway so i can get to work, went inside to change and 10 minutes later the snow piled on all over again there was major traffic going to the mall but when i got inside it was dead as fuck. can't believe it's holiday season. bought a sled got home and finished wrapping all my gifts made some cornbread to take to work the next day then i started my "OMG my mom is coming to visit" cleaning (toothbrush required) took all the covers off the sofa and chairs to wash
  2. oh shit fatralphy my dude and his homies were there last night. i thought about driving out but didn't feel like fighting the snowy road.
  3. my latest invention = beer pug step one step two step three step four
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear snow, please don't come this weekend. <3 ssn dear mommy, can't wait to see you! <3 ssn dear caligula, you should totally meet my mom. <3 ssn dear dude, you've been gone 2 days now and i miss you already. <3 ssn
  5. dude already left for sf but he will be back when my mom comes around the 21st
  6. just dont make her do her spinning thing or the beer will explode
  7. bfish, txt me if you're gonna be coming to town. making some enchiladas dude is busy playing super mario so he asked me to bring him a beer, im busy too so...
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear casek, im very sorry for your loss. <3 ssn also, dear best friend, im sorry for the loss of your dog. rip royal. <3 ssn
  9. yes, you must greet each other with bows and squint your eyes. if you stop being friend you must commit seppuku.
  10. couldn't do much thanks to the snow. got ready for work bought tree for niece and nephew's visit bought dude new iphone for xmas lena is ready for snow! temperature is steadily lowering... it's down to 15 now. cars were slipping and getting stuck all over town won't be doing much tonight
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear marco, thank you! <3 ssn dear caligula, we miss you. <3 ssn dear snow, i think i've had enough. please go away for a few days. <3 ssn
  12. i thought this thread was "your day in pies", not "lets take a flick of something to please other and hope they like it".
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear bee-pescada, we should try to go boarding together this season. we found some rings i think might work. plain and simple just what we were searching for. <3 ssn
  14. yes brickos and you should recognize 2 of those hoodlums.
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear milk, time for the birds and the beezzzzzzzz. also, dude is here over the weekend if you guys wanna kick it? <3 ssn dear bfish, can't you have it resized again? should be able to. we went looking for wedding rings over the weekend. it's not really snowing. sucks! <3 ssn
  16. went to see language arts crew at elbo lounge hey were ju guys tagging on that wall? well i think das beautiful, is like art ju kno? can you paint something on my truck? i got a taco truck.
  17. welcome back squirrel!!! orly? strange the chinese place is next to a vet... these custard donuts were fucking amazing
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