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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. My mom bought me a Hong Kong Fooey lunch box. I used to watch New Zoo Review, I loved Henrietta Hippo!!! Big Blue Marble was great, I wrote to them and they gave me a pen pal in Israel. Zoom zoom zooma zoom was great too. I loooooved watching Wait til Your Father Gets Home. The hippie stoner brother was my hero. On Saturdays I would watch shows like Shazam and Isis, Sigmund the Sea Monster, Electro Woman and Dina Girl, H.R. Puff n' Stuff. Plastic man, I always caught myself looking at his "package" for some reason.
  2. Shaved pubic hair... Zack, Thanks for shaving your pube hairs. Most guys are NOT that considerate. I prefer a little hair left but having trouble finding the penis in a big old clump of bush is undesirable.:)
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