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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. doh!!! and me, don't forget me. the best thing sf has to offer :love2:
  2. punk ass little sucker, where ya been at??? u ain;t been calling me. did u buy ur ticket yet???
  3. Gliko (aka my husband): after our vent session today i have decided to name one of them mon chee chee... mon chee chee mon chee chee, oh so smug and ug-a-lee. as for the fat cunt stalker whore, if she ever becomes a kb i will have to disown all. that is all =)
  4. ur so rad, that's the funniest thing ever! word up to my doggie!
  5. oh im sorry to hear about your pug. im on my second one, can't resist them. hopefully this one will live a long and healthy life, i love her to pieces. shu-shu and her treat jar in her new hoodie (she refuses to go outside when it's cold so i had no choice)
  6. so how the hell is everyone, it's been so muthafucking long.
  7. i can allllllways count on you to be blatantly honest, i apreciate that =0
  8. ummm maybe? im going to sf tonight so we will see what happens... dun dun dun! effyoo: i'll call you when i get back with the dish.
  9. effyoo, wtf? you're never online! if you get back together with an ex for the third time, does that make you a loser?
  10. Quoted post actually, i need to clarify. i'm ALL about latinas. i just meant.... not yellow. i'm such shit. i love my girl. really, i do. Quoted post yellow? oh no he didun'!
  11. here's shu in her knightbat costume sitting next to her bat cave http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000076.jpg'>
  12. also random... shu shu http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000072.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000073.jpg'>
  13. she's soooooo damn cute i wanna squeeze her and carry her in my pocket
  14. Hell yeah it's all about the lime tostitos, not sure about the blueberry oolong?
  15. oh you mean kinda like how you love me but you shouldn't but you can't help it?
  16. director's cut of donnie darko comes out i think next summer in theaters. can't wait.
  17. im not a fanatic, but i do love the taste of coffee. i just bought a french press, though i hardly ever use it. i'm adicted to buying yummy coffees already made and waiting for me to doctor it up. mmm...
  18. so i furnished my entire place thanks to ikea for a mere $2200. it's ikea catalogued out, very unlike me. it was cheap and i must say, it does look very warm and cozy. come over for beers knightbats =)
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