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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. Whats up strangers, it's been so damn long. Been a busy month, opening a new location in a couple of weeks and doing a little traveling and stuff... Austin to LA to Lake Tahoe...
  2. well hi back :) i've been great and how have you been?
  3. man siar is week..he needs to learn some respect/style before he thinks he can go over people... Quoted post [/b] edit, not worth mentioning
  4. doh!! sorry, i swear i meant to call but i've been working 11 hours everyday, 7 days a week!!! call me at work sometime, im there all the fucking time. i'm so dead tired. :yuck: <3
  5. hi strangers =) hi villain, you suck rotten eggs :chicken: <3 sooki
  6. so im gonna be a bride's maid and i wanted to wear a poofy gaudy taffeta dress but this is what they gave me instead... damn this bitch is skinny
  7. no matter how many rooms i have you ALWAYS have a place to stay with me and you know that, even if we have to all sleep on top of each other! :huh2: friday: pack pack pack saturday: work then some hip hop show down the street i was invited to sunday: pack pack pack ladynapua, how old is your little girl?
  8. Dee!! Hi stranger and engaged? Congratufuckinglations! My bf and I do have tons in common but we also have lots of differences and he makes me laugh like mad. Believe me, I would not lose my independence I just have commitment issues and I need to work thru that since I have a feeling he's going to propose to me this year. We also agreed that when his lease is up we are going to find a 2 or 3 bedroom place so we can each have our own room to escape to and our dog can have her own room too =) We also had a talk about cleanliness and not having to hang out together all the time. I love him lots and lots, wish me luck. :chicken:
  9. So do any of you live with your significant other? How did it happen and how is it going? I'm moving into my bf's in 3 weeks and I'm having a little anxiety, is that normal? I lived with a bf loooonng time ago and I believe that was the cause of me breaking up with him so I'm a little weary ya know?
  10. ahahahaha you ass, you know i just spent $800 on fixing it recently! when i moved to houston i ups'd everything, didn't bring any furniture. i think i shipped about 20 big boxes (mostly clothes) and it was about $500.
  11. so i need to have my car transported from houston to san francisco, i called around for pricing and it's kinda pricey. anyone have connections?
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