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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. so whos the 3rd? and not hot lesbians, scary bull dykes
  2. i know the feeling. lucky me though, 4 nights a week i get to fall asleep to high energy music coming from the lesbian club next door. not to mention the screaming and yelling of lesbian drama plus a few breaking of bottles =) 3 and a half more weeks to go...
  3. whatever :rolleyes: Quoted post [/b] whatever back, its ur fault for never coming out to houston and now its too late. im moving back to sf in 3 weeks. i decided to open a 3rd location in the bay area and i start march 1st. im feeling oh so overwhelmed...
  4. gooch, that's crazy!!!!!! yesterday here in houston i wore a tank top and a skirt with flip flops. hi ya'll
  5. ding ding ding!!! yes, that is exactly what i look like! :five-o: you guys are so darn sweet, you know how to make a girl feel special with the nice compliments. :love2: :love2: :love2: i was far from fishing for compliments though, now i feel like some conceited asshole. effyoo knows, im more of a silly girl not a girly girl. i went to see cirque du soleil last night, it was soooooooooooo exciting. my palms were sweating from being nervous and on the edge of my seat the whole time. :shook:
  6. I had a dream last night... Somehow Iquit knew where I lived and came to surprise me all the way from HK. When he arrived he was disapointed that I wasn't wearing any make-up and thought I looked like shit. He did everything to avoid me and left without saying goodbye. I was pissed and thought, "what a shallow shithole"... I hardly ever wear that crap so lets hope that's farrrrrrrr from thruth. :hatred: Hi Knightbats!
  7. Ladynapua, this is my little shumai, aka shu-shu :king: cracksmoka, 35lbs of cat? holy cow she would eat up shu! sugar, i think you should design shu's valentine costume :love2: grrrrrrimey thanks for noticing i was gone :smiles: busy with work during the holiday season, how are YOU?
  8. Hi everyone, looooong time no chat. ;) 2 more months til I move back to San Francisco, I'm counting down the days!!! p.s. shu-shu is up to 11lbs now :smiles:
  9. Congratulations pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!! Now hold Shu-shu's hand!
  10. meow hooray for winter, this houston heat is gross. i wore a tube top today and it's december.
  11. whats up with all this ass talking lately, even 26sided keeps asking to rim my bunghole. and on that note, happy birthday perhap =)
  12. mmmmm you look so delicious, whats under that nitey?
  13. hail, maybe you're claustrophobic or maybe you just get intense motion sickness? sometimes on the bus i feel like im going to faint because of motion sickness. once in a while some asshole gets on with too much perfume and im allergic so i get off the bus or i'll puke.
  14. hello kightbats! i loooooooove jeopardy and that above photo is fucking hilarious! hahahahahahahahahha they remind me of some of my flaming homies =)
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