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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. oooh so i'm not the only one shopping for furniture. today i went to ikea and furnished my whole apartment.
  2. today i am giving myself the day off to go buy furniture. hooray. i'm actually getting used to sleeping on my aerobed. do you care? no, but do i care that you don't care? no. :)
  3. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00298572f00000069.jpg'>
  4. just because i don't post doesn't mean i don't keep up... and as for you, my tony soprano, i just hate competing for your attention in here. you already have many who adore you and are bombarding you with attention. yes, it's been awhile sine our "session" i'll pencil you in. :dazed:
  5. well look at you, i'd be scurrrrd too with those musckles
  6. *hugs* yay. you know what i mean though and i just wanna shove a pair of shoes into someone's mouth and break their fingers then spit on them. wanna join me?
  7. sometime i just wanna say shut the fuck up so... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! that felt good, thank you goodnite.
  8. ok i will but after the 2 of you go at it knightbat style. crim, you on myspace or aim?
  9. (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)100 you guys crack me up. how about iquit and crimson "do it" and i just watch and rate? as for you 26sided... what we talk about outside 12oz is private so stop telling people our bizniz sucker fuck the e-crush, i already asked you to marry me...
  10. my friday night is laying in bed playing e-games with earmuffers
  11. how come chicago is so disliked? i've been there dozens of times for work and i thought the city was beautiful, esp during winter. but then i don't have to live there.
  12. Re: this is whats going on right now in the house o' Pfffffffffft. whoaaa i have an icee light too but it's rectangular and on my wall in sf.
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