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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. King Of Hell


    Here you go kids. March 20. 1899. Shot by Thomas Edison. http://memory.loc.gov/mbrs/varsmp/0836.mov
  2. King Of Hell


    fixed gears arent new inventions. the first bikes ever built were essentaly fixed gear. they arent made for messengers, or to look cool on, they are made for velodrome racing. i dont think freewheel was even invented until the 40s?
  3. King Of Hell


    first australia, now canada, whats next?
  4. King Of Hell


    they used to do the tour fixed on dirt roads.
  5. King Of Hell


    I did it because I was consatantly locking and unlocking it and leaning it up against shit. Saves the paint job, can help prevent some minor dings and whatnot.
  6. That cut paper shit should be a sticky on its own.
  7. Thin meaning...I guess when I look at shit like that now I feel most of it is real thin meaning there isnt much flavor anymore. It's all the tricks that are the established expectations of that style of art. I don't see much real flavor in it. Reminds me of Kool Aid when its got too much water and not enough powder. Too thin.
  8. The guys at fullspectrum are very good people and they ere good to us (transcend). The kind of art up there...and the fact that everyone does it...it just feel so "All fashion and no passion" to me. Its real thin.
  9. As much as the magazine is cool, I'm so over that style of art/design. I can't even handle the purposefully naive art stuff, and the uber layers of half well done letters/half badly done letters. The purposefully akward faces and all that stuff. Its so saturated and I can't even look at it anymore. Does anyone else feel at all the same way about that stuff? I mean, its well done for that style obviously, and dude knows his shit, but I'm ready for something else.
  10. I would have enjoyed it more had you not put the piece in the middle of the canvass. it detracts from the simplicity of the face, which s decent.
  11. WOOOOHOOOOthe babbke is alive thanks to AL, and Lili.
  12. King Of Hell


    I'm a sucker for the KotOR games, both 1 and 2. Iam waiting with baited breath for the third.
  13. Yeah, dog. You and I need to come in here more often to crack the whippy. These motherfuckers are getting lazy, and comfortable again.
  14. Nice! It looks very, D&D hobby store at the mall. I love it.
  15. Goddamnit. I hate this thread now. JUSTONE, I agree. Someone needs to be in here cracking whips again. Maybe I can talk Seeks back into it, but I doubt it. There seems to be a whole lot of congadulatory back slapping over the most bullshit work. Lando is an exception. Nice work, man. Haven't you guys learned anything yet? Paint splatters, overspray, layered drips...it's all bullshit without anything to it. Half the shit in here looks like you just did what you do in a black book on a canvas, but with paint pens. Whats the point in that? Don't any of you push yourself? Someone asked a few pages back about opaque lines. Try a brush and mixing different kinds of inks and paints. Really, if you aren't going to do anything but simples with drips and shit, just stop and go doodle in your books. Doesn't anyone use a damn brush? or anything besides paint pens. Fuck I'd be psyched on some charcoal drawings. Something. You guys are better than this, and you should know better.
  16. Seriously "Hard Boiled" is one of my all time favorite books ever. Geoff Darrow and Frank Miller. The crash scenes are jaw dropping.
  17. This is a formica table. Green is its color.
  18. King Of Hell


    i love how people clown on messengers for dressing alike and so forth. have you ever been a meesnger? do you realise theres more to what people may do than just fashion? being a messenger is a shitty existance and the job is fucking hard. so yeah people like to go blow off steam and drink some cheap beer, because when you bust your ass and money isnt growing on trees, you may want to no spend shit tons of loot. the beard?...well i fucking worked in boston. most of the guys had beards. why? ever riddin a bike for 10 hours in a nor'easter? how about 40 degrees and sleeting? it just helps out a bit. can some meesenger be dick heads and snobs? sure. i know some of them, but blanket generalisations are fucking gay no matter what. most of the kids i know, all wore the same clother because they were reliable. this company makes this jacket thats waterproof AND wind proof...you need that...this companies jeans dont wear out in the ass as fast...dude..get them. man, fucking go anywhere and be a part of any sub-culture, scene, job market...you will see similarities in like minded, or like life styled people. most of the poser snob kids wash out in a season anyway because the job is rough. they ride for a summer when theres no business, and people are on vacation. when it gets cold and you need to put on a hustle they stay home and hang up thier bikes to show off to people they they once rode.
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