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King Of Hell

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Everything posted by King Of Hell

  1. King Of Hell


    a belt can keep up your pants. you wear a white one because its the "fixed gear uniform" a bandanna can keep you warm. so can just about any appropriate riding gear designed for such and with better results. you wear the bandana because it is part of your "fixed gear riding uniform. quicksilver is assy however woody itson, eddie fiola and martin aparijo's freestyle part is humourus.
  2. King Of Hell


    I know this is the bike thread, but white belts and bandanas are as gay as they are unnessesary.
  3. I used to live in Ft. Wayne in like 93/94 and there weren't many people painting yet. Pretty much it was me and like 7 kids. I guess I'm wondering if any of them still write and I can not for the life of me remember what any of them wrote. I used to live with the dude who owned JMJ's Funk Emporium and I painted the inside of the shop before Hazard did.
  4. any more pictures of the clowns? i fucking love those.
  5. King Of Hell


    or how about....you got not careening into children and old ladies who jump out in front of you? its all about bike grace.
  6. King Of Hell


    My general rule was, "ride through the winter.show up everyday, and on time. Dont make my job harder by having to cover your ass, then maybe we can be friends."
  7. King Of Hell


    More people on bikes is generaly a good thing. sure I agree, but with riding abike there is more to it that just looking cool on it. You need to learn how to handle that shit. Can you not careen into me while you are looking cool? can you not get hit on your bike while you ook cool so you dont bring heat to the non breaks riding kind of people? the reason i hated rookies messengers was because most of them acted the part of a seasoned veteran and rode like complete assholes. theres more to riding than just a sleveless shirt and no breaks and a mullet.
  8. King Of Hell


    I think....to me anyway...the one thing I need to hate on is kids acting like being a messenger is some romantic lifestyle to imitate. Comming from someone who actually was one...DUDES...IT'S A SHITTY EXISTANCE. That job is maybe real fun if you are young and need a cool summer job to make some spending loot because mom pays for everything else, but trying to make your living off that job is not as glamorous as it may sound. Getting hit, or sick or breaking something on your bike...it can set you back weeks of pay seeing as theres no general insurance, you don't get sick pay, you don't get vacation pay, no one pays for shit but you. And bet on the fact that the way to make the most money is to be reliable and on point and on time in a good fucking mood with no slanging attitute to your dispatchers on the days with the SHITTIEST WEATHER POSSIBLE. Im just now getting over hating the idea of sweating on a bike.
  9. King Of Hell


    Yeah man, Mike Dominguez invented the 540. He was amazing. I got the luck to see him live a few times when he was with Diamond Back. Him and Woody Itson. It was dope. The second time I saw them, Dominguez just invented the 900's and did one for us. It was so amazing. I also got to see Hoffman waaaaaaay early in his career when he was with SKYWAY with Scotty Freeman, and Eddie Roman.
  10. Dear world. Stop not realising that i am a fucking genius. worship and obey you shitfaces.
  11. Dear *******, That was pretty cool. That time. Creeps like creeps.
  12. Apparently, dude doesn't cop out on the pink carrot either.
  13. I'm not sure that he would cop out in a drawing like that. He kind of thrives on the high detail.
  14. imnot sure that the lettering is his.it may be the current logo
  15. King Of Hell


    Joker, I still have pits in my shins from Hutch Bear Traps. Tought me how to land my air tricks thought. If you didnt plant that foot right when you landed that pedal would swing around and stick right into your shin. Oooof. And to any old school BMX kids out there, I still have a private stock of Shimano DX pedals , mint condition that I will never get rid of.
  16. King Of Hell


    you should ride what ever the fuck you want and take a shit on the floor of anyone giving you shit. unless us mods are giving you shit. then you need to listed to our collected wisdom and fuck you.
  17. King Of Hell


    Holy shit...I know at least two people in this picture pretty well. I miss my friends.Go Minno!
  18. just take a shit in your pants. real hard.
  19. King Of Hell


    I was just looking at that....and I can not for the life of me remeber who did it.
  20. King Of Hell


    That Cinelli is one of my favorite bikes ever.
  21. King Of Hell


    Possiblly, but thats the exact places I tape up because its where the lock sits, the bike rests againt what ever kind of pole I lock it too, and where the hadlebars hit the frame if they turn all the way. It looks like dude is trying to hide the fact that it's a langster, but the top tube and down tube are a must for conservation.
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