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Everything posted by Frate_Raper

  1. were doing this at work too.....i'm already looking like a fucking wild man....were calling it "pussy repellent "
  2. this is one chick, i think its a chick, i would trash....fucking gross dude good looking on grossing me out
  3. weeeeeed mannnnnne is awwwwwesssssome mane, and like hemp could like cure stuff mane like hunger and shit
  4. all but whoppi......dreads are grossssssss
  5. smash page I bet thats dudes sister's drunk friend that rolled on him before going to the bar,he was in chat roulette she felt bad....whamo tities ouutttt
  6. HAHAHAHAH now were cooking here boys! Lobster slag Smash...think of the hand job that meth slag smash I have a feeling her pussy looks like a knee with rug burn from shaving irritation
  7. mass graff is on point....two headed is a smash
  8. a kid I went to high school with smoked Salvia and jumped off his balcony breaking his legs thus shorting his professional snowboarding career.
  9. turn her head side ways son....its a prison pussy
  10. big girls over hairy annnnnyyyy day!
  11. smash all but granny working pole trash that
  12. yep and this is fucking funny....sorry if you see this dude lol same bunch of dudes from the bno camp
  13. counter girl smash big mama above smash tooo
  14. is this shit available all over the u.s? I've never looked around when I'm traveling and my freinds want me to buy it and bring it back to canukianville
  15. that cop was a faggot........and black fuck him
  16. the things she'd let you do.......
  17. Mayoral race in toronto right now.....some clever fucker made some signs of his own.I had a laugh! http://theashcan.com/2010/10/13/torontos-anti-rob-ford-sign-maker-speaks-up-secretly/
  18. that long haired fucker looks like ted danson in a wig
  19. religious biker gangs are also the funniest shit EVER
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