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Everything posted by serum

  1. Atwater Bloktoberfest i've never had anything from atwater and since i'm in the mood for seasonals i grabbed a sixer of this. wow i was really surprised. definitely in my top 5 for autumn seasonals. Atwater beers Fort Collin's Brewery Major Tom's Pomegranate Wheat I know fruit beers are gross. i got this thinking if its gross i'll just pass it off to my girl and pretend i was thinking about her when i bought it. but to be honest i ended up drinking them all. i wouldn't call this a fruit beer at all since i didn't taste any fruit. it was mainly a blonde ale/wheat beer with a slight sweet/tart aftertaste. you cant taste pomegranate. i'm going to try the other fort collins and let you know what other ones are good. Buffalo Bill's brewery (pyramid??) Pumpkin Ale so being the open minded beer consumer that i am i was willing to try another pumpkin beer i was pissed that it turned out to be like 4% alcohol which doesn't make me happy since i could have gotten miller lite. in terms of this compared to o'fallons this isnt that great. way too much spice and very sweet. definitely drinkable however and i wouldnt say dont buy it. worth a try but i may stay away from pumpkin beers because the novelty is wearing off for me.
  2. I potty-trained my son today. Took him outside and showed him how to squat behind a dumpster. He had been incorrectly using a toilet. 5:58 PM Sep 12th from web :lol: this is hilarious
  3. abita pecan harvest if you gave me a blind test i doubt i would detect the nut flavor not a bad beer but nothing special either. its drinkable, smooth, but a little too light tasting for me. it feels like it needs just that extra bit of flavor to make it more worthwile
  4. a little early but i got a sixer of Ofallon pumpkin beer it was alright. more pumpkin spice than anything else. better than michelobs pumpkin spice but perhaps i just dont like pumpkin beers i want to try the buffalo bills pumpkin before i decide but this really want my thing i know there are some southern tier fans here but sorry this will probably be my last purchase from them. they are mediocre at best and this harvest ale was crap. like a terrible ipa. i think they have an imperial pumpkin that i may try if i ever see it but id rather get something else
  5. since we're together we might as well say would you be mine? could you be mine? won't you be my neighbor? Hi boy's and girls welcome to my neighborhood today we're going to talk about where whales come from. just ask some of my friends.. even they know this...
  6. i like anchor beers ok since the autumn beers are coming out now what seasonals do you guys like? i had this today i've never had anything from breckenridge but this was damn tasty also another favorite bells' oktoberfest imo this is basically oberon with a hint of autumn, and i love oberon then i had this great lakes oktoberfest truthfully i didnt really like it. it wasn't terrible but i just didn't like it as much as the first 2 what pumpkin beers do you like? they should be out this week.
  7. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! preparing to go camping
  8. the japanese beer in america is brewed by budweiser
  9. a chain is only as strong as its weakest link...
  10. if you liked grave of the fireflies you might like my neighbor totoro, naussica, princess mononoke, spirited away, howl's moving castle ponyo should be coming to theaters hopefully by august-september.
  11. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! ok so i answered my own question.. “My husband is being taken to court. He was walking our two German Shephards one evening (both on leashes). He was walking through a vacant lot/field when a Great Dane came running toward him and our dogs It was dark and our dogs attacked the Great Dane. Our dogs never got away from my husband and the Great Dane eventually got away and ran from the field, across the street and to its home. The owners of the Great Dane are now suing us for the vet bill. My question is, should we fight this? My husband was nowhere near the property that the dogs owners live on and the Great Dane came running at them. Had these people kept their dog fenced in and were this dog not allowed to run free, this unfortunate incident would not have happened. Should we be responsible for their vet bill even though their dog was allowed to run free and ours were both on leashes the entire time? ” Most cities have laws requiring that dogs be on leash and under control when they are off the owner’s property, with certain exceptions such as designated off-leash dog areas. Assuming that your area has leash laws, because your dogs were being walked on leash at the time of the attack, the owners of the loose dog should be liable for any injuries caused by their dog being in public off leash. In cities that have leash laws, an owner that allows his or her dog to run at large in public may be deemed negligent per se. Negligence per se occurs when a person violates a law, and the violation of that law causes injury that the law meant to prevent. In this case, the intent behind a leash law is to prevent injury to persons and animals that could be caused by dogs running at large. The owners of the loose dog would have been in violation of local leash laws and are liable for the injuries that their dog caused (both to your dogs and themselves). In areas without leash laws, the owners of loose dogs running at large may be held liable for standard negligence.
  12. willie what general vicinity are you in? a dog enters YOUR yard and its your dog that has to be put down?! anyone clear on what the general law is in regards to your dog biting another dog? because there has been a number of times where unleashed dogs attack my dog while out on a walk my dog whoops them, they submit, he leaves them alone, they run back to their owners. i look at it as hey my dog is on a leash your dog isn't. but id be damned if anyone is going to try and put my dog down for whatever reason.
  13. i'm just trying to save you beer drinking fools a dolla$ i get the gasface from the wife everytime i go to the liquor store. during the week i drink 2-3 beers a day tops. on the weekend 4-6 compared to my younger years thats nothing. so i try my best to save nowadays.
  14. Bow-lingual TOMY Co has launched a new version of its “Bowlingual voice” device, which the company says “translates” dog emotions. The wireless microphone device, which fits on a dog’s collar, transmits the animal’s sound to a handheld consul which analyzes and “translates” into six emotional categories. The device then emits a common phrase matching the dog’s emotional state, both in words and voices. http://www.japantoday.com/category/picture-of-the-day/view/bowlingual
  15. drue down i'm in the same boat my liquor bills are in that range as well and the woman is putting me on a budget so i drink my fill of crap beer and then treat myself to 1-2 good ones at the end of the night.
  16. very jealous i would have loved to go to bell's that Uberon sounds appealing to me. I'm a fan of bourbon & beer. the michelob thing is difficult for me to explain. i guess i sort of expect their stuff to taste like piss from the tap. but it doesn't. now would i say its good? no. hell i wouldnt even willingly buy it if i wasn't on a budget. but i don't find it undrinkable. i mean shit i grew up drinking st ides, old english. so really anything that doesn't make me vomit is palatable. its more like a hey if you're broke and want something other than miller lite try this type recommendation, not hey this stuff is a hidden gem check it out sort of recommendation if you get what i mean. last resort would be a better word i guess. like you're at a bar and they dont have any beers besides coors mgd sort of thing.
  17. so in my pursuit of not spending so much on beer i bought some michelob michelob has always been gross. but after trying a jack's pumpkin spice ale last halloween i was a bit surprised that it wasn't that bad. now i'm not saying hey drop what you're doing and go out and get michelob but if you're broke this might be a cheaper alternative. i know big brewers bad micro brewers good and i agree but for the price it was decent to start out the night with. i got a 12 pack sampler for $8.99 it had cheesy labels but they weren't that bad. they weren't that great either but again they weren't that bad
  18. Two Brothers Ebel Weiss golden, taste of cloves a little sweet, good for the summer Tyranena Rocky's Revenge dark chocolate caramel goodness, with a kick of bourbon. reminds me of the backwood's bastard that founders makes. though i like the founders better this is really good. don't go nuts though because its easy to pass out after a few of these.
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