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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. oh, there will be pics. it was too dark last night to get them.
  2. this thing had giant retarded horns on the front. those were the first things gone. anyone have a suggestion for a small, hidable, loud horn?
  3. finally got my bike today. 27 minutes later i'd smashed off the turn signals with a hammer and torn the seat apart. unfortunately it was too dark to use the angle grinder and cut off wheel.
  4. is that norton going for the 'long horn' look or something?
  5. looks like a single cylinder, not an xs.
  6. suplex. are you like 14 or something? i thought only rebellious teenagers reveled in the notion that they were pissing people off, or somehow being 'outspoken' for having an opinion on the internet. im not offended that you didnt like the bikes, if you'd actually read what i wrote, you'd see that i didnt really like them either, i was just trying to accept that my shadow-chop was not going to be the xs650 i'd much rather have, and would have to resemble something like those bikes; IE: home made late model wider body metric cruiser. so to recap, no one gives a shit what you think, or what you like. you are more than free to have your own tastes, and hate whatever youd like. just please approach it with a sense of humor rather than the idea that you're actually offending anyone by liking something different. we're all, well mostly all, adults here. we can differ, its ok.
  7. that tank is big as fuck and the front end is a cluttered mess. the rear totally doesn't match it. if being hated makes you so happy, let's see what being put on ignore does for you.
  8. wait, arent you the guy who hates everything, and in turn everyone hates? just checking.
  9. none of these are particularly fancy, but for some reason i kind of like them, and i figure my shadow will probably end up looking something like this so maybe i'm just trying to come to terms with the fact that it's not really what i want, but it is what i've got. and im bored.
  10. thats not an xs650. i can find cheap vulcans all day. theres a 2001 for $1700 right around the corner from me. i want something smaller and lighter though.
  11. man. that thing is fucking ugly. someone find me a nice xs650 chop for $3k or less to my door and i'll send you a $100.
  12. im imagining that thing would be fast as shit, no? ive never understood why a sportbike 650 would be so much faster than a cruiser. i get that they're lighter, i guess i just dont understand why. its not like they're built out of carbon fiber or something. ive also spent 0.0 seconds looking into the answer, so its not surprising that i wouldnt know.
  13. joker, ha, sorry, i dont mean to shit on your bike, i just hate that sideways engine shit. i cant help it.
  14. those bmw's are so fucking ugly, i can t even take it. theres one that lives right around the corner from me. i just want to bury it in a sandbox and put it out of its misery. who the fuck decided that a motor that sticks 4 feet out the side of a bike was a good idea? sure as shit not me. i keep shit skinny like aneorexic models.
  15. how much is that? $15? no thanks. stretch a sportster. you can do rad shit with them.
  16. oh, also, you were talking about being cramped on one... hardtail fixes that, cause you can easily stretch the frame out. i know it's real cool to rock mid controls these days, but im 6'3"... fuck being all squished up with my knees hitting me in the chest. seeks/who just wants his fucking bike to be done so he can ride it instead of talking about it.
  17. i dont really like any stock sportster. the nightster is an improvement, but only kinda. they all still look cheap and plastic to me. im not hating on stock bikes or anything either, i just dont really see em being worth the money they're charging for em. you're paying a shit ton for a name that pretty much just wins by default. spend some time on chopcult.com you'll start to see the possibilities that are out there.
  18. i dont know where you're at, but any major city is gonna have a shop that does custom bikes. my price estimate was having someone else do all the work for you. used sportster - $3-4k hard tail kit - $$300 paint, labor - $1-2k ooorrrrrr, buy something brand new and cookie cutter for way more. whatever you'd like.
  19. fuck buying a new one. i'd rather get a used sporster, strip it, hardtail it, repaint it and still spend less than $6k i just look at those things, and while they're nice, theres just so much shit all over them. bums me out.
  20. going on month 3 of my bike sitting in the shop waiting on their lazy asses to fix one thing after another. im so over it. im really tempted just to tell them to keep the fucking thing and go buy something else.
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