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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. i dont really look like a motorcycle guy, even when wearing a jacket, so im not too concerned. its not at all flowing like id like either. i hate the seat. not sure what to do though. im thinking maybe a real simple lepera? any advice? i was worried the giant headlight might be too big, but i really like it on there.
  2. 1. 6'3" on a sporster, do the math. the forwards look almost like mids. without hardtailing it, i think im always gonna have issues with how it fits. its not awful right now or anything, but it's also not where i want it to be. im gonna tilt the bars forward a little more, stretch myself out a bit, see how that goes. 2. i live in georgia. it was 55 today. i was looking at fox creek, but i think those are even too thick. it stays mid 90's for 5 months out of the year, something that breathes like a wool coat dipped in concrete isnt gonna fly. considering a schott perfecto. if you're gonna get a black motorcycle jacket, might as well get 'the' BMJ. no homo. 3. thanks, i wasnt sure how i felt about the sissy bar. eventually ill completely fab up something myself, but for the time being, i think its alright considering i chopped it up and welded it all myself. 4. still a ways to go, but i'm learning.
  3. no where near done, but bars and headlights are on and it works again. got the carb rebuilt and rejetted. runs so much better now, real stoked. still cant exactly get comfortable in riding position. not sure what i need to adjust, but ill figure it out eventually. toying with the idea of a solo saddle bag. threw on a small bag i had just to try it out. blah. now im trying to find a jacket i like. why shit all so expensive? damnson.
  4. ended up dropping $500 on the bike. new battery new carb body/rebuilt carb/jetting carb accessories little bit of clutch work. more than i wanted to spend, less than it could have been. stoked to find that all the stuff i did, the electrical etc, was all good. now it just needs to warm the fuck up. im totally over riding in cold ass weather.
  5. those hand controls alone are $1500. front tire is too big for my tastes. looks like a tron racer or something. i like the bike a lot otherwise. simple and clean. cant hate.
  6. its pretty big. from what ive seen, if people run same size tires, they're usually 16's with fatter tires.
  7. fix one thing just to find another wrong. god damn.
  8. theres a couple things going on. 1. i'm OCD and cant handle messes of wires. it absolutely freaks me out. thats why this whole mess started, cause i wanted to clean up the stock wires when i changed headlights and bars. now im thinking about really redoing them completely. like, rewiring everything up front, including ignition. this is a little more than i think i can safely handle. if i blow my ignition, that's $400. it'll cost less to rewire. might as well save myself the hassle. 2. ive been trying to get a job at the shop i get parts from, working a day or two a week for free, in exchange for them just teaching me shit. i figure if i take my bike in there, it'll be a good excuse to hang around while they fix it since it would take 3x's longer to figure out my wiring setup without me there. hopefully i can then turn that into just hanging around all the time. 3. i'm an anteater, bitch.
  9. i just realized id seen that pic before. it's from toronto. international juggalos. yikes.
  10. fuck patience. got the light situation fixed, now it's shorting out every time i try and start it. shit is no bueno. might just end it up in the shop this week. cant take much more of the stress, rather just take pills and pay someone else to fix my fucking mess.
  11. bike is a mess. keep shorting out a wire, blowing a fuse and i cant figure out why. clutch is staying open, which makes absolutely no sense, since all i did was take it off the bars. no messing with the cable at all. just wanted to share.
  12. dam, that sounds awesome. where you at? anybody got any advice on trying to internally wire a set of biltwell keystones. is it even possible?
  13. why you crash so much you must suck. LOL can we please get to a new page, jesus christ, those gigantic pics are totally bumming me out. im half tempted to delete them. bars are finally in today, so hopefully i can get the bike back together this week. just in time for mad rain.
  14. that looks like some judge dredd shit. later for that.
  15. didnt get much accomplished today. headlight didnt get in till 4pm, bars didnt make it so i couldnt do any of the wiring. worked on some buddies bikes though... chopped a fender, did some welding, cleaned up the garage, drank beer, ate pizza, listened to mastadon, shit was manish, no homo. right now we got my bike, a little rebel, cb750, cb550, yamaha 350. last two we're about to start engine rebuilds on. and by 'we' i mean one dude knows shit, me an the other dudes drunk beer and pretend to be helpful. that's all i got for today.
  16. i mean, dont expect much, its still just a matt black sportster nigger rigged with harbour freight tools in a garage with no electricity, trying to be something sorta cool. but i mean, its mine, and and im not afraid to cut it up, so i got that going for me. or maybe against me. im not sure.
  17. pics tomorrow for sure. stoked on some of the stuff im hooking up. custom 'dummy lights' mounted in the headlight housing, way fewer wires, handmade sissybar, blah blah. working on this shit is fun. i spent atleast 6 hours making the sissybar. coulda done it in 2 if i didnt keep fucking shit up, but the whole thing was fun. cutting and grinding. i almost like working on shit more than riding i think.
  18. butchered the bike today. rewiring everything, new headlight, bars, etc. stoked.
  19. 7" off a fatboy. gonna get rid of this gay fucking eyelid shit and just mount it to the lower tree. i dont know who the fuck decided the stock headlight mount was a good idea, but that person is a fucking moron. it looks like such shit, i cant even fathom the retard in R&D who cosigned that shit. next step is figuring out what to do with the idiot lights. for some reason i really want to keep them. not sure why. atleast the neutral and oil light. just gotta get em off the clamps. shit looks gay up there.
  20. also, new bars, mirrors and headlight are in the mail. big thangs happening over here.
  21. spent all afternoon working on a sissy bar and cleaning up wiring at the back of the bike. sissy bar is proving to be a gigantic pain in my ass, but im stoked on building it myself. welding, cutting, grinding...
  22. if i had his money, id be doing the same thing. no shame in that to me.
  23. id be down to have a bike with clip ons, but not my only bike. ill mess around with this thing for a couple years till im in a position to house more than one bike, then i'll cop somthing else. keep this as a project and have something else a little bigger/smoother for highways etc. got up to 60 yesterday, which i know isnt much, but it was pretty windy and my first time at that speed. bike definitely vibrates like a bitch. and have i mentioned my absolute terror of riding over metal grates on draw bridges? its like riding on fucking ice. with the wind yesterday, it was almost pushing me into the oncoming lane. not sweet.
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