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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. yeah, i figured they were all ni99er rides. ha. fucking peacocks.
  2. man, most of those bikes are such a fucking waste. strip off all that faggoty shit and actually ride them bitches. other than the pan and the black and white fat boy, all them bitches were basura. however, thanks for posting.
  3. now, im NOT saying im gonna go get one, but im starting to like sportbikes a little bit more. i still dont like the ones that look like futuristic aircrafts (ie: anything joker likes) but i'm not a total hater of them. seeks/baby steps
  4. Apparently last night, while blacked out on ambien, I bought a detachable windshield for my bike. Huh.
  5. A year ago I didn't know shit about bikes. I'd never even ridden one. Got drunk one night, almost bought a bike on a whim, next day I woke up an started my search. I've wasted so much money on bikes this year just trying to figure out what I'm doing. Shits obnoxious. I really need to find a shop in Boston I can intern or something in. If anybody knows anyone, lemme know.
  6. saw you over on that other board btw. nice bikes.
  7. those are cool. ive got the keystones on my bike. i like them but wish they had a little more pullback, and a little more inward angle to them. id like to find someone who can build me some custom bars eventually. someday. im just trying to avoid having to get new cables. shit is unnecessarily expensive just to change out bars.
  8. Goat, did you used to be someone else on here? Don't care if you were, just wondering.
  9. The vibration isn't anything crazy but it's enough to annoy me. Then again, I'm easily annoyed. Just switched out my stock risers for 2 1/2 pull backs. Not huge difference but enough to bring em up and back a little closer without having to redo all my cables. Now I hate the wires though so I'm gonna have to redo those as well. Also threw on some new coke bottle grips. Like how they feel but throttle side is kinda loose. I'm sure eventually that's gonna drive me batty. We'll see. Reeeeally wanna strip the bars down and get rid of the signal switchers and shit. I'm already not running mirrors or signals, what's the fucking difference? Anyone know about massachusetts law? I wonder how likely I am to get fucked with. Time to go drink.
  10. Goat, what did you say you had? Anyone ever used pennies inside their bars or any other anti vibration technique? Sick of that itchy numb hand shit. Gotta take my bars apart today or tomorrow, figured I might try something.
  11. forcasting? baggers are already the hot new thing. which of course means theres a huge backlash against them. personally i dont give a shit one way or another. the more time i spend on blogs and forums, the more i realize motorcycle dudes are the biggest bunch of sandy vagina motherfuckers ever. shit is ridiculous. complain, bitch, whine, complain. blah blah blah. 883's suck. ha. before i got it, i was like....man, that'll be plenty powerful enough. nope. thing is fun for riding around town, but once you hit 50mph the power drops off and the wind picks up like a motherfucker. i was gonna do the 1200 kit, but it'll be just like putting a bigger engine on a bicycle. my bikes probably 400lbs tops. might even be lighter. its also as aerodynamic as a garage door. ha. if i get something else, im gonna get a detachable windshield for it. not to rock around town or anything, but i cant even imagine doing 75 on the freeway without one. at 60 i already feel like a strong gust could blown me off backwards if i dont hold on tight.
  12. not to get back on the insurance ting, but ive got progressive. i think i pay $160 a year. $4k coverage on the bike and like $200,000 for myself or something like that. whatever it is, it was cheap as shit and covers me pretty well. i decided i need another bike. one for longer runs, highways, etc. might put it off till the spring, but i know prices will be better in the winter. looking at a newer street bob (06+), or possibly an early 90's FXR. ive heard super good things about those bikes, but have no experience with them. ebay has em in real good shape for under $6k. anyone got advice?
  13. anyone gonna be at the indian larry show in brooklyn next month?
  14. i havent been in here in atleast a year. jer, i should send you an email one of these days. pm me your email, i lost all my old shit.
  15. seriously. i ended up buying a suzuki boulevard just cause he never got back to me.
  16. Congrats. Anyone here on a dyna? Triple? Thinking about picking up a street bob in the spring for longer trips/ highway riding. They suitable for shit like that, or just a bigger sportster?
  17. Make your own. Cut down stock seat to bare bones, Leather, camping matt foam, shoe repair place. They can sew through anything you've got.
  18. I was asking if the apes were biltwell. Been thinkkn of getting a set.
  19. Are those the built well bars? Was looking at em last night. I Kinda wanna just buy a street bob.
  20. had to be. its built outa three seperate sets of exhaust. no way they were gonna match up. i think it'll look better when the wraps worn in and greyed. pretty sure im gona do the 1250 kit. this thing is just too fucking underpowered to be of any real use, other than just riding around town. anything over 60 starts to feel pretty sketchy, which means freeways are gonna be terifying. it doesnt help that the bikes so light, but even still. more power would help with that i think. what do you think about some low apes... 10 inches or so? im having issues with my hips and my riding psition. motherfuckers kill as soon as i start riding. shit sucks. since i took the pic ive pulled the bars waaaay back, but i still feel like a little more upriht position would help me more. being so tall and lanky, riding hunched over like im fucking a football isnt too sweet. not that it matters to anyone but me, but ive done a ton of shit on this bike completely myelf with absolutely no previous experience. wish i could have done it all, but whatever. ill learn more as i go. as we call it around the garage, 'rus coast customs'. fuck it. it might not be right, but its how it is right now. rus/high on ambien, rambling.
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