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12oz Original
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Everything posted by seeking

  1. first highway roadtrip today. a little nervous, but whatever. i really dont do well with isolation. with driving alone with just my thoughts in my head. tends to make me all screwy. should be interesting.
  2. she looks like neve campbell. she just got divorced, go stalk her.
  3. soup, i think weve discussed this, but indulge me again...... banner at the top of the board has a cbr250. im assuming thats a 250cc bike, right? how the fuck would that even be fun? and how would a 250 sport bike differ from a 250 honda rebel? or rather, my bike is 1700cc. seems like throwing that big of a bore into a sport bike would be insane. why do you need so much more power in a cruiser? get scientifical on a nigga, cause i dont get it.
  4. grove, holler at these dudes. theyve got a TON of different bag styles for way cheaper than licks. they claim sporty's coming soon, but i'll bet if you give em a shout one of their dyna bags would probably work on your bike. http://www.badgcustoms.net/solo-bags.html
  5. i wish there were more canyons in boston. its weird, im starting to appreciate sportbikes a little more. id almost even consider wanting one maybe in the future. soup, what ever happened to that shit you were rebuilding?
  6. depends how far you plan to ride i imagine. im not too into the whole cafe racer thing, but i like triumphs. id own one if i had all the money in the world.
  7. its been raining for a week straight here. shit is balls.
  8. fuck is your problem internet commando?! why you so mad? he was talking to some troll who i deleted a bunch of posts from. chill out.
  9. been raining so i got some work in on the bike... lifted the tank internally wired the bars. new mirrors, flipped. moved the turn signals next to the foot controls. wasnt my original plan, but worked out good. originally i was gunna mount them under the controls, but jack ass who put em on stripped the bolt, so i couldnt take the controls off to mount the signals. realized i had some 39mm fork tube clamps from my sportster, and the downtubes on the bike are 39mm. bingo. mounted em to the downtube. fits perfect. -dont ask about the shifter peg. bars all cleaned up from the front. shit looks way better. ok, thats all i got for today. fuck rain.
  10. unless dude was just walking down the street and all of a sudden pan/shovel washes up, in which case score!
  11. got antsy and couldnt leave well enough alone. pulled all the wiring to move the signals and internally wire the bars. took fucking forever. these new bikes are not made to be disassembled. hopefully it'll all go back together.
  12. weird, i thought it said mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmotorbikes at the top, not 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssuckdudesdicksonascooter'. strange.
  13. shit, now that i hear that, makes me want them too. why cant they make a set of spokes that runs tubeless? we can fly to space but cant seal a wheel? im so sick of boston traffic. shit makes riding not fun at all.
  14. seems like theres a bunch of factors that would cause wobble before spoked wheels, unless they were all out of whack. im definitely no authority though. i didnt realize there were tubes in spoked wheels. makes sense, ive just never had to change one, so i didnt even think of it.
  15. you know...niggas got priorities an shit. ;) man, i dont get mag wheels. ive never seen a set i liked more than spokes. definitely fucked up going nightster over sb. unless youre just riding around town.
  16. naw, rinehart. thing sounds real nice. loud and tough without sounding like a total small dick jerkoff. im thinking i might pull the heat shields and wrap them, then just leave it chrome from the exhaust back. either that or possibly just pull it and paint he entire thing black. cant decide. sucks about your staph dude. fucking lame. they hook you up with narcos? enjoy your ten days on the couch. pics of your new bike soon dude.
  17. new seat new bars new grips new pegs. painted the aircleaner cover. painted the fender struts. bunch of other random little stuff. still cant decide what to do with the pipes... whats eberyone else working on these days? triplesux, how you healing? soup, what you building?
  18. mass is just retarded with their shit. they have totally different rules than the entire rest of the country. it's dumb. oh well.
  19. that is with MSF. it would have been $851, but then they checked my record and found i had two tickets. oh well, aint shit but money.
  20. insuring the new bike... if i was still in georgia it would be $300. in Mass where i live now it's $1800. WTF
  21. anyone know of some nice, simple black forward controls that arent $800?
  22. thats why he's got it on his wall instead of in his driveway.
  23. haha, good to know. funny how bikes can bring people together like that. i still maintain that 90% of the people who don't like me on here would think i was hilarious at the bar. i'm not any different, it just seems much less cocky when im buying you a beer and pointing at tits. trips, hopefully you'll get something sweet out of it. i need to up my insurance now that i realize all the work my bikes had done to it. gotta make sure if i go down, shit will be replaced an them some.
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