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Everything posted by seppuku

  1. More of my photos can be seen here, http://flickr.com/photos/soviet.
  2. what happened was the venue at which they were going to play got shut down by the firemarshall for some reason, so my friend offered her house up for them to play in and they agreed. they all just wanted to play. how fuckin rad. there's a ton of pics here from the show and more detailed info, http://bloodbrothers.proboards10.com/index...&num=1059541053
  3. get in by any means neccessary! thebloodbros are fuckin sick. it was such a good show.
  4. and check out the new daughters album called canada songs circle takes the square is dope death wish kids red light sting i dont know if these have already been mentioned, cos i read maybe 2 posts in this whole thread.
  5. ummmm the bloodbrothers, these arms are snakes, dance disaster movement, and a local band called ballistic missile put on a free show at my friend's house in baton rouge, la this past tuesday. they all played in a room about 40x15 feet. you homos are jealous.
  6. bump for ali g being a stupid fuck.
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