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Everything posted by ElectricitySucks

  1. hasnt that been out for awhile at film festivals? they wont show it at actual theaters though. and they really could have chosen the better title then that.
  2. slsk has been sucking for me lately. i cant find any hardcore bands.
  3. Re: writers like hardcore???? noooo waaaaaay!!! relations with turbocapslock?
  4. 1. 1st punk/HC show attended? i seriously dont know. around the 4th or 5th was subterfuge with others in like 98? 2. Last show attended? ambition 3. Favorite punk/HC band ever? pennywise, stray from the path, comback kid, every time i die (shut up.) 4. Are you straight-edge? How long? any sXe tattoos? no no no. 5. Favorite era of punk/HC? before "dresscodes," and how to look "scene." 6. Favorite scene (time and location)? here, its funny. and stupid at the same time. i dont know. 7. Worst scene? new hatebreed/norma jean kids who "know everything" about hardcore. 8. Most memorable show? hatebreed/ptw/converge in 2000 or 2001. 9. Biggest live disappointment! norma jean. "DUN DUN DUN EeEeEeE" 10. Best live punk/HC band? every time i die. (shut up.) who else dresses in all white clothing instead of your cool all black clothing? besides what they look like, theyre amazing anyhow. 11. Ever been in a band? yeah, nothing big. 12. Best venue? the big one would be vanderbuilt. then the local 7. backstreet blues was cool too. 13. Worst venue? ones where owners say "no moshpitting" in the middle of the set. 14. When exactly did Walter S. lose it? a while ago. 15. Do you own a record player? no. 16. Do you own any colored vinyl? no. 17. Been to a "fest"? Which one(s)? walk together rock together and something else i cant remember. 18. circle pit? mosh? kick box? ninja dancing. 19. Favorite punk/HC 'zines and/or websites? alot of them suck. 20. Old enuff to remember the Krshna fad? ? 21. Young enuff to be part of the Christian trend? hahahahaha 22.a) Were you upset when Green Day signed to a major label? yes and no. B) Jawbreaker? no. c) AFI? ehhhhh...old stuff was good. now theyve stepped it up a notch to catchier stuff for a more mainstream crowd. but they still are good. d) H2O? not really. 23. Older vs. Newer? a)AFI------older B) Throwdown? old stuff. haymaker sounds like madball/hatebreed and a fucking breakdown in every song. c) Refused? once in a while. the shape of punk to come. ptw couldnt replicate them. d) Sick Of It All? ehhhh.....nah. e) Converge? only the parts that dont sound like "noise." f) Hatebreed? shitbreed. 24. How did you get into punk/HC? friends.
  5. the latest throwdown, (haymaker) is good, but theres a breakdown in basically every song, starting to sound more like hatebreed. and i dont know about any of you, but i think im one of the 3 kids that goes to shows that HATES shitbreed.
  6. the last shot by sickboy looks like milk and cotton coming out of the sky. i think its just me.
  7. tyler, in that first pic, is that dash?
  8. anyone here listen to the new every time i die record? fucking good.
  9. nah, the last show i went to was march 13th remembering never. strongpoint was supposed to play with i think beloved but they didnt. it sucked.
  10. im the only person that hates subterfuge. anterrabae, anyone?
  11. no fucking shit, notice its been the same 5 people posting on this shit. im never responding again, unless its a new thread with pics. and my scanner is getting a new cd so i can work it...fuck this thread noone reply please.
  12. inus12, i posted that yesterday. today its all raining and shitty out. yesterday, it wasnt raining, it was just cloudy. i am the weather man.
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