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Everything posted by LIVERWURST*

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO Southern Smite has come out of his friends closet everyone...
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO I always tip well, I hate hearing about people not tipping. I get the munchies all the time and always end up eating something I regret in the morning. I got three hours of sleep last night and went to work exausted and hungover. I promised myself I would chill tonight but I'm heading to the store to buy beer. I always get a second wind at night just in time to start drinking... Cheers
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO Fish live and breathe off of liquid. If you drink you do the same. Have you ever seen a fish drown? Have you ever seen an alcoholic stop drinking?
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO ITs 4 am and I have to be to work by 9am. Im going to down thi siwn and try to get some sleep...or maybe take a shot first.
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO So.............you've got a little sister?
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO I got hammered on Saturday at the bar, was hitting on my girlfriends little sister and betting an old guy on who washed their hands when they left the bathroom. Tonight it is wine and taking it easy for me...
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO By the way I recommend Clynelish (aged 14 years) as a really good but decently priced scotch. I'm not an expert by any means, but I like it and it runs around $45 in my parts.
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO I hate blended, but I've had a few decent ones by trying gifts I've bought my dad. Single malts are delicious if it's the right type, but you hve to spend a little money to get a good one in my experience.
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO I don't particularly like rum but Bacardi or something is cheap in abundance so I keep a handle around. I tried to get into it but no rum really tasted all that special. I like cachaça, but I've only had it with my buddies Brazilian friends. I am dedicated to single malt scothch and hope to some day be able to afford a serious collection...
  10. Re: TEAM ALCO The menu for the evening: 1) Scotch on ice 2) New Castle 3) Rum and diet 4) Pills I had sushi earlier which I hope does not conflict with my intended inebreation...
  11. Re: TEAM ALCO Never heard of it
  12. Re: TEAM ALCO <---The name says it all.
  13. I'm watching The Black Dalia and it sucks. Something the Lord Made is actually a decent movie, it's a bit "feel good" but the story is moving and the acting is convincing...
  14. ^Excellent movie. I just saw Thank You For Smoking, and it was pretty good
  15. The Departed was ridiculous. Also, Kung Fu Hustle needs your love...


    I match my shoes with my outfits and I definately don't wear neon green or orange. That's what I don't get about some of your tastes - do you just walk around wearing every color in the spectrum hoping something matches? I almost picked up thos Air Stab Nikes but they were better colors - purple, cream, swamp green and black with white splatter paint soles. I was feeling too cheap to buy them for the $100...maybe I'll go back
  17. I was going to find a circumcision related picture and add 'apply to foreskin' (which I bet has been done). Instead I started reading about Orthodox Jewish circumcision which entails the Rabbi sucking the blood for the cut on the penis, and than further if the stuff that is cut off is not crushed (not sure what that is nor did I want to read more) the removed skin has to be "chewed"... Carry on.


    What are these called?
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