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Everything posted by LIVERWURST*

  1. Re: TEAM ALCO I don't particularly like rum but Bacardi or something is cheap in abundance so I keep a handle around. I tried to get into it but no rum really tasted all that special. I like cachaça, but I've only had it with my buddies Brazilian friends. I am dedicated to single malt scothch and hope to some day be able to afford a serious collection...
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO The menu for the evening: 1) Scotch on ice 2) New Castle 3) Rum and diet 4) Pills I had sushi earlier which I hope does not conflict with my intended inebreation...
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO Never heard of it
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO <---The name says it all.
  5. I'm watching The Black Dalia and it sucks. Something the Lord Made is actually a decent movie, it's a bit "feel good" but the story is moving and the acting is convincing...
  6. ^Excellent movie. I just saw Thank You For Smoking, and it was pretty good
  7. The Departed was ridiculous. Also, Kung Fu Hustle needs your love...


    I match my shoes with my outfits and I definately don't wear neon green or orange. That's what I don't get about some of your tastes - do you just walk around wearing every color in the spectrum hoping something matches? I almost picked up thos Air Stab Nikes but they were better colors - purple, cream, swamp green and black with white splatter paint soles. I was feeling too cheap to buy them for the $100...maybe I'll go back
  9. I was going to find a circumcision related picture and add 'apply to foreskin' (which I bet has been done). Instead I started reading about Orthodox Jewish circumcision which entails the Rabbi sucking the blood for the cut on the penis, and than further if the stuff that is cut off is not crushed (not sure what that is nor did I want to read more) the removed skin has to be "chewed"... Carry on.


    What are these called?
  11. Inside Man was good...and if you took the time to get it, She Hate Me was too. I was on a Spike Lee thing this week...
  12. What's sad is I have every cable channel available, plus I have an account with the local movie chain, plus I have Netflix...and I came on here to find a good movie to order and the good ones are used up - and the weirdo "I try to be different" movies aren't appealing. Three years ago this wouldn't have been an issue....what happened? Watch 'The Natural'


    Those are the ugliest trendy shoes I've ever seen. I hope you get peed on by a pissed off bum who thinks your feet are his favroite liquor store closed for Christmas...
  14. Hey Redzone, heres what you actually should do - use a water soluable marker like a crayola that is a bit darker than the background. You can use a wet tissue to erase mistakes. With paintmarkers you can see paint marker outlines once the thing is done, and your mistakes will be obvious. Just dont lean your hand on the drawing...
  15. Re: What are you doing right now? YES!
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