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Everything posted by LIVERWURST*

  1. egg - this isn't "post a random picture" thread, you're supposed to try to post something relevant to the picture above you.
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO Imported beers? Isn't Smirnoff imported as well? Son, come sit down and let me learn you a little thing about the microbrew...


    Your money gotten stolen from you and you're too stupid to know it...
  4. Re: TEAM ALCO THE SCIENCE OF DRINKING Mixing Mythology You've heard, and maybe heeded, the old saying:"Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, you're in the clear." But is there any truth to this maxim? BY LIZ BROWN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The French call it la gueule de bois, or "mouth of wood." The Italians sometimes refer to it as stonato, meaning "out of tune." A Norwegian might say he has jeg har tommermen, meaning "carpenters in the head." No matter what words one uses to describe a hangover, the symptoms are universal. After a hedonistic night of boozing it up, you wake up with a throbbing headache the size of Texas (exacerbated by even the slightest sound or hint of light), debilitating weakness, achiness and a powerful thirst. Nausea signals that last night's drinks are about to make a hasty exit out of one orifice or another any minute. The symptoms are usually accompanied by groans, oaths to never overindulge again and whining: "Why, oh why did I have that last drink?" We all know who's to blame for our hangovers (no, it's not the person who bought the last round), but we still like to fault something or someone else. The saying "Beer before liquor, never sicker; liquor before beer, you're in the clear" is a perfect example of this misplaced blame. The advice suggests that it's not so much how much you drink, or even what you drink, but rather the order in which you drink beer and liquor that affects how you'll feel the next morning. We consulted experts to find out if there's any scientific credence to the oft-uttered phrase. "There's no scientific basis to that," says Russell Marz, assistant professor of nutrition at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland. Marz does concede that mixing different kinds of alcoholic beverages may cause problems for a person with allergies to compounds found in such drinks. These allergies, he explains, are quite common. For example, someone with a wheat allergy may react to the barley, malt and hops in beer; a person with allergies to corn or rye might react negatively to liquor made from those compounds. Some people get headaches from the tannins in red wine, too. To make things worse, alcohol increases the intestines' permeability, so everything, including irritating compounds, is more rapidly absorbed. For a person allergic to wheat and rye, mixing beer and liquor could take a greater toll than sticking to one type of drink might. But Marz does not believe that the order in which you consume affects how you'll feel the next day. Ed Gallaher, a research pharmacologist at the Veterans Administration and an assistant professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, agrees: "My inclination is that it doesn't make a bit of difference. People would like to come up with every alternative explanation or excuse for hangovers, but the active ingredient is alcohol." he says. Alcohol leads to intoxication, and intoxication leads to hangovers. In other words, don't buy the ticket if you can't take the ride. It is possible that drinks containing high levels of congeners, or chemical byproducts responsible for the taste and color of alcoholic beverages, can exacerbate a hangover. Richer, darker drinks like whiskey, bourbon, brandy, red wine and dark rum are thought to contain higher levels of congeners than white wine, vodka and gin. Carbonated beverages and an empty stomach increase the absorption of alcohol (think wedding-reception drunkenness), and may increase your suffering the morning after. Paying attention to your body is the best way to determine what drinks--and in what amount--you tolerate best. If you think that drinking beer before liquor makes you sicker, don't do it. Of course, moderation or abstinence is the best way to wake up hangover-free. But if you do have one (or more) too many, the following advice may serve as damage control: Drink lots of water before you hit the pillow and when you wake up, since dehydration is a primary contributor to hangover angst. Take antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, along with a milk-thistle supplement before bed to help clean up the toxic aftermath. They will especially help your poor liver. (Ideally, take these before you start drinking.). Drink some OJ, or any 100 percent-pure juice the next morning for the vitamins and water it contains. Taking a B-complex vitamin before crashing is also a good idea, and a non-aspirin pain reliever might even reduce your headache to the size of Rhode Island.
  5. Re: TEAM ALCO I knew that, and in my opinion that makes California special as well. New York has last call at 4am (and bodegas don't seem to give a shit at any hour) and Vegas has no cut off... having lenient liquor laws is awesome no matter what. What other states have good liquor laws? Denver sells beer that has half the alchohol on Sundays...thats no good.
  6. Re: TEAM ALCO They sell liquor at convenience stores / gas stations until like 2am in Arizona - that is a state that has its priorities straight.
  7. Re: TEAM ALCO I can't join the team Alco myspace page because all I have is a page I access about once a month for friends - it has my picture, and I'm a wanted criminal mastermind. That said I'm logging in to explain I'm drinking $7 wine purchased at Trader joes. I was declined for a promotion today so I'm thinking about drinking all night...
  8. Re: TEAM ALCO I tried a few new scotch brands at the upscale bar tonight - there went $45 on 3 drinks (edit - the 4th my friend bought me, not that it matters but we're trying to be upscale over here). Here's the lady I took home tonight.
  9. Re: TEAM ALCO Drunk and have to go to work in 5 hours. Time to go to bed...aftr another shot...or ctwo.......
  10. Re: TEAM ALCO One of my hobbies lately is to get drunk and talk shit on 120z. I've talked shit to Seeking about public transit which I just discovered in another search. I explained to Mero that Puerto Rico was a slave colony and thus he is a descendant of slave traders. I added to the RZA thread. All of these were pretty much the way I think so I can't say I regret anything...and than I posted in Crossfire! I'm on my third bottle of wine.
  11. NSFW: http://www.uselessjunk.com/article_full.php?id=18592
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