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Everything posted by IHATEU

  1. yea that whole 3% of the time. i get tattoos for free too, from a best friend. other then that i also have never herd of such a thing... deals or trade fine but a freebe of something thats not a dick wearing a hat is unheard of in my experience too... just saying...
  2. im saying... HO-LEY-SHIIIT! and i thought DAO pants around the ankle photo was gay. jesus christ... props given to theo for being so wild gay and not giving a fuck... also a pre PAUSE for posting this but this is fucking creepy.... and not just cuz he is black...
  3. not for nothing but aside from giving up a few big plays (like most teams do) Pats D and secondary starting to make things happen. best time of year to start clicking and playing good ball... other then 2-3 teams im not scared at a nice play off run here... hell they might even get that one or two long ball plays from Ocho in the playoffs that would make his contract worth wild haha. honestly though i did not think he would be such a non-factor good for nothing on the season. good win for the Jets, hated that SF lost to Ravens, and caught a bit of the cincy v browns game which was ok hoping SD can pull one out to shut up all this lame Tebow hype.
  4. what, the knee or that your posted a photo of a man with his pants around his ankles... there had to be a way better and less gay way of shooting that...
  5. the best is when they played the audio of Shu's explanation at the same time they were airing what he did. it makes zero sense. if youre gonna lie at least try to make something that might make a bit of sense or just say i kicked the niggers arm.... also this whole BS of not airing a historic game on regular TV for people to watch on Thanksgiving is super greedy. i get not airing other thursday night games but come on nfl, give thanks by giving back or some shit...
  6. I knew you cheated and looked in that VIP mega Son forum! I mean how else could any observent person make such a obsurd prediction based on what was SHOWN and SAID in the preview...
  7. wow what a great Bs game!!!! Bruins send the message to Buffalo. won the fights, won the shoot out won the game....
  8. yea im sure jax wont leave and clays not dead. curious as to what will come of bobby and juice. and obviously unless clay is dead opie wont be a son. shit is getting to ridiculous... speaking of redic im curious if anything will come of jax crashing the hearse and then stealing some random dudes bike, two felonies wearing his cut. haha yeaaa ok
  9. ^^^hahah also i will kindly disagree that its bigger then st. pats day or new years... i know everyone goes out but i cant see it being as nuts as either of the above...
  10. well im thinking no just to go with the history of drama in the show. i mean why not lie about it, they lie about every other fucking thing. i hope to fuck he is dead but it was so lack luster prob not... point blank you really dont hit the fool in the face and head? come oooon...
  11. for some reason i think thats gonna be a cool game too. also hoping that Detroit can give GB a loss. just for record sake. ha
  12. except that it was not even close to the first time, as far back as i can recall rollie fingers, clemens, Dennis Eckersley, vida blue all won it and thats just in the AL modern era. im sure there are a grip from the 50s back. maybe none in the NL but... i think its so rare that it makes it special and quite obviously they did something right to get all the votes...
  13. you sound bitter. i dont see the problem with it, especially how great of a year Verlander had...
  14. Pens fans where you at? fucking Crosby, its like he didnt miss any time. vicious, would like to see him keep it up. good for the game.
  15. did you watch past the first quater? not for a pats fan... good game! Arrington leading the league in INTs, Welkers streak stays alive at 89 games with a catch. and Brady leads the league in yards. Gronkowski just getting up from flipping on to his neck. dude is a beats. not mad at game at all.... ha
  16. tootoo is a beast man but been more chill lately... Another shut out Timmy (28th) and 8 in a row for the B's!! Finally getting some of their strength back after carrying that cup all summer!
  17. this was a few nights back and prob the best fight this year. McGrattan was fighting for a damn prize. serious business for early season game...
  18. i have two friends that travel with "official" passports to asian countries often. they have given them ZERO special privileges. they said the only thing different is they didnt have to pay for them and you dont need a visa because its necessary state travel similar to deployment in a way.... have you been official yet? cuz you might be waiting in the same line as everyone else "baller"
  19. yea the end of that game said it all... hoping Young and the under 500 eagles can take away a game from Eli's fairy ass. Eagles playing some D this game and hitting hard. maybe they can hold it together and squeeze a W out.
  20. somerville is a real ass i mean REAK ass place. NOBO, Middlesex county faaahken stand up!
  21. gross, Toronto fail... other then the Os im not a fan of any of these new logos or team moves. fuck you gonna move some loosing team to the AL? to do worse???
  22. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA KIR, damn dude i would be bummed if the rack of the first deer i shot went missing, i hope you find that head even if just the rack. first snow is awesome, im sure its even more awesome in the middle of no place in a cabin. hope you have lots of fire wood! my fireplace has been on blast for the last few weeks....
  23. i have never herd either of those things. thankfully i have not reached the nerdism level of those people...
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