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Everything posted by taper

  1. i think thats how beef needs to be settled. meet up at a wall, battle and let that shit do the talking. anyone can be a tough guy but in the end that shit dont say anything about your letters it really dont prove shit when it comes to graf at all.
  2. lite gettin more shit posted now that he hardly paints than before haha
  3. i dont get the aliquippa refrence here
  4. yea i thought they ment something else but there was some that i dont see how they would repair them when they were cutting up ones that looked to be in better shape than they were. either way they all got buffed when they went for repair im sure. lost pieces are shitty
  5. not to thread jack but there were some of my cars that had the home shop for repair stickers. dunno if they eneded up in your yard to get cut up but here are a few pics to add to the depression. http://i34.tinypic.com/mkkewx.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/10h0t39.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/ixcdaf.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/35047s7.jpg http://i36.tinypic.com/2ajytnb.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/dlkd34.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/2lc0jgg.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/2hf4diu.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2zdn954.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/21e6flk.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/f3oyp.jpg
  6. some hotness in there for sure. that soviet is one of my fav peices by him
  7. http://www.danscomp.com/704482.php?cat=TSHIRTSSLUCK fucka fixed gear riding fagboy
  8. if your artist is not a writer or isnt really really good then they most likely will have no idea how to fill it right and make it look good. poing being dont be gay and get that shit
  9. putting spray paint in a marker is fucking retarded......... :yuck:
  10. shi is there any kind of printer ink that works good? right now im at my friends band practice spot which happens to be a warehouse for printers/copiers ect. there is tons of supplies, anything i should look for that could be of any use?
  11. well this thread inspired me to come up with some new markers. here is my new fav shit. its a puma cologne bottle. i just cut off the top used the very bottom so the cap would still go on. put a peice of eraser in there which works amazing with the size of the hole. (really tight no leaks at all) writes really well and drips on metal and painted surfaces.
  12. I don't use T-grade by itself. I just use it as an additive now. Even though I kind of freaked out when I first saw it, I really thought the ferric nitrate idea was on point. Before you do anything with ferric nitrate, however, read this first. It's the MSDS for ferric nitrate, and will give you an idea of what you can expect. Take it seriously, please. I looked around to see if turpentine is reactive with ferric nitrate, and apparently, they use the two together for patina work- I wasn't clear on whether there's any actual mixing of the two involved, so be warned. Quoted post [/b] besides using that toxic ass shit is there anything else? unlike other people on this board i dont wanna fuck around with shit like that when im not 100% sure what im doing.
  13. whats the best thing to use to make my marsh t grade ink more unbuffable?
  14. im feelin alot of this shit on here ill post some up later tonite when i get a chance
  15. taper


    here is a few of mine. let me know what you guys think im open to some opinions i just started with this new style of throw the other day and im not sure if im feelin it or not.
  16. taper


    just my 4am contrubution.
  17. taper


    that one is the hotness
  18. taper


    here is a few old ones but its all i got on my fotango account.
  19. im down for that belkin ill post my work up in a few days.
  20. taper


    i used to not like his shit but the more i see it the more it kinda grows on me. his skulls are ill. post that flick where his fill was a bunch of skulls and bones that shit was sick.
  21. hey i wanna get down with this. anyone wanna battle? im down for whatever just post whats up.
  22. here are just a few. i gotta take some pics of the over 100 cans of rare rare rusto i scored at a old hardware store auction. there is a few other rare goodies in there too like the kiwi and the tire black. forreal if you can find that dupont tire black get it. its the most potent shit ever invented. there you go
  23. i suck. i think i dont try very hard which is why i think i have no girl friend. also i think im too picky. and as for the comment about the timbos i stole a pair so fuck it. i steal everything cuz im poor and i dont believe in spending money on clothes sice they should be as much as they cost to make. i am 5'7 italian, have brown hair always cut to 1inch by my trusty home hair cutting clippers. i guess you can say well girls tell me when i dress nice (which is rarely) im really hot yet i have bad self esteem and wont talk to grls. i have been told that once you get to know me im the sweetest guy ever so if this mokery of a humn being which is myself i have e mail and i like to paint:D ;) thats my word.
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