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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Pacific NW is great for that. Parts of rural Utah as well. Up my way it’s mostly people trying to be left alone, but might work.
  2. Thanks man. Appreciate the support and really cool to see new users registering as well. Just private messaged you the code.
  3. Not sure if I posted these before and too lazy to go review the last 14 pages. Random shots from home that we’re on my phone.
  4. Going to bump this for all the people coming back. Some of you might remember some of this stuff.
  5. Melatonin knocks me out but for ever hour I get to sleep right away, I lose off the tail end so it’s a break even type situation. Dumb as it sounds, having my watch reminding me to breath and to stand up occasionally has been pretty good.
  6. @IntangibleI think you certainly make some valid points, but I think it really boils down to the fact that meaningful relationships need to be built on something meaningful. It truly is as simple as that. The interactions on Instagram are not meaningful. The platform simply limits that from having even the potential to occur. Its a steady stream of digestible content, no longer even curated by the individual themselves. You can follow whoever you want, but you're stuck seeing already abbreviated (consumable) content, that is now filtered and then also presented in an order that they've defined. How can a person find any meaning when its shallow to begin with, but then also happens to be spoon fed according to whatever method or agenda Instagram has deemed best for you. Then further ruining any potential towards meaning, is that the platform is dumbing down interactions to the point of literally a double tap. Because of the nature of mobile, we developed the "emoji" so we can express ourselves on the run, without the benefit of time or even the instrument to compose an articulate response, let alone a meaningful one. So where does that leave us.... Instagram. Think about this... You guys have established meaningful relationships with each other to the point that many of us are back here picking up the pieces and rebuilding the community. Most of you have followed each other on Instagram as well, so you know what both sides of this coin are like. Do you believe that the people you've followed on Instagram only, that you do not know in real life, will be people you will still interact with 10 years from now? Do you expect many of those relationships will be people you're cool with enough that many will turn into meetups and road trips? We had something very special with 12ozProphet. Naturally it had good things and bad things, but the fact that so many of you stayed in touch even after the forum collapsed and years after its "dark era" so many of you stayed connected. So many of more of you are now greeting each other like the long lost friends you indeed are, as more and more people find out about all this and come trickling back. We were all really just kids trying to figure out life. None of this had a master plan and I can tell you for fact, there was never any corporate investors, consultants or business plans. (maybe if there had been it would have become Instagram). My point is that, its an amazing thing to look back on all that came from the old forum and honestly, it's almost more amazing that what we did as dumb kids here on the 12ozProphet forum, having fun and trying to understand what life was about was so meaningful that we might actually have a chance at rebuilding this community again today.
  7. Assuming his email is correct, that should trigger an alert to his email when you @ someone like that.
  8. Tell you what... Some extra incentive... If anyone can get a name on this list that has not logged in as of the time of this post, to login... I’ll send you a handful of stickers and a card with some graffiti doodles by yours truly.
  9. Saw @massgrafflogged in, so that’s one more. Anyone else know how to reach out anyone out of the list above that isn’t already in here again?
  10. I can dig through some more archives, but in the early days we didn't host photos cause it was so freakin expensive and the extra bandwidth killed us. Might have more, but again, I definitely have about 30% more than whats visnibl eon this forum. You can dig through the old archived forum at http://forum-old.12ozprophet.com/ and see what you can find. Hoping after all these years on of you fuckin guys is a computer genius and can help reassemble the missing data from the archive files.
  11. I can try to manually rebuild it if you want to dig it up on the archive version of the board... http://forum-old.12ozprophet.com/
  12. Exactly... Save it for the n00bz once we get back to that point. Though, thinking for most of you, at this point it's jail bait.
  13. Maybe @fatalist? Also, @Milk Grenadesjust reached out to me so she's logged in again. Suspect some of the females might be a little weary considering how this place was back in the day and some are married and have kids, but no doubt you guys can keep a minimum level of manners since all of these girls paid dues enough to earn respect enough to even get a pass in Channel Zero. Maybe @SukiSukiNowcan help?
  14. Just a heads up that about 30% or so of all the missing images are actually in an archive and can be recovered. It's beyond my ability to pull it together and been discussing it with @Dirty_habiT, but hoping to eventually get someone capable / qualified in to assist with it. In the meantime, you can verify what is saved from what is lost forever (mainly photo hosts that have shutdown), by seeing an archive of the old board here: http://forum-old.12ozprophet.com/ Note that version of the forum has been disabled and only exists as a *read only* archive, so you can view and search, but cannot login or post on it.
  15. So to bring this thread back around and on topic and based upon where we're at since the forum started to wake up and come back to life... What core members are still missing that we'd like to see back? Who's been reached out to but hasn't shown up yet? Wondering if we can keep the momentum going and double things up again this next week like we did last week, so maybe with a little strategy and coordination we can give this another push. For reference, here's the top 5 lines of the forum reunion tee. Obviously a good number of those on it are not only back, but quickly reestablishing their presence and vying for that number one spot and a few more have at least checked in and said hello (maybe we can twist some arms and help them transition back full time?)... Plenty of others are still MIA. Speak up if you know how to get a hold of any of the others on this batch of list...
  16. @abrasivesaintjust approved you to the Jekyll Island group where we set things up for learning and co-op. https://forum.12ozprophet.com/groups/15-the-meeting-at-jekyll-island/
  17. Not every source is supported, but a few of the main ones are. HTML is not allowed so embed codes don’t work. Rather the system auto detects the URL to recognize its a video host and then wraps the appropriate embed code around it. For supported video hosts, you just copy / paste the URL to that video in the comment, nothing else. It’ll then convert the link to an embedded player. Also does the same for sources like Instagram and Twitter and even links to other threads / posts on our forum.
  18. Just PM'ed you a code. Good to see you back on man. Please help us to keep getting the word out there!
  19. I posted something in the 12oz shop updates thread about us sitting on some dead stock. Might have a new one of that tee. Check that thread and PM me if interested.
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