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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Since we’re sharing our Glocks...
  2. Surprised you haven’t gotten that thing stippled with something more aggressive.
  3. @6PenniesYou also modify the sights on your 17 so the can doesn’t block them?
  4. Ground chorizo. Mixed with 85/15 ground beef, they make epic burgers.
  5. *btw, I think all but two of the images I’ve posted in this thread were all from my iPhoto library. Built up a hell of a reference library lurking Tumblr back in the day.
  6. Separate thread topic, but new Bladerunner was mediocre at best.
  7. @6Penniesyou do any work to your G19 or stock? Seems you’d have some crazy shit.
  8. That is indeed a creepy fuckin bug. hate those things, but not a fan of most bugs. the more shit they have sprouting off their thorax, the worse.
  9. Left turn, before this degrades back to porn.
  10. DM me your name, email and address. I'll send something your way.
  11. I've never actually been deer hunting myself. Was supposed to go last fall, but got too busy with work. Planning to pull tags this fall and give it a go if I have time. Feel a little bad about the animal, but I really enjoy meat and figure if I eat it, might as well earn it. And in that regard I rather be eating fresh wild meat than the institutionalized crap they sell at the supermarket. Also planning to do some turkey hunting and already have tags for it. Being honest, I'd love to go hog hunting. Looks so fun and being a nuisance animal, also makes it a little easier to pull the trigger on. Just not really a thing this far north. In regards to a carry gun, I'd start by narrowing down a few things... First, do you prefer single action, DA/SA or are you okay with double action? Next, I'd suggest you go to a range and try and shoot something with a heavy sweep to the grip like a Glock or something nearly perpendicular like a Sig. That'll help you way narrow down your options. After that I'd consider ballistics with respect towards magazine size. 9mm is a good pistol round, though its considered weak. Its cheap and fairly small, so even small guns will have decent capacity. In terms of pistol ballistics, according to extensive FPI research, 10mm is considered an ideal between size and force, but it's not super common so it'll be a fair bit more expensive and if you worry about SHTF type scenarios might be a little tough to come on. Obviously .45 has a ton of hurt when it hits, but trade off is that you'll likely only have a single stack mag and if you're looking for something compact, you better be good with your aim, cause you won't get too many shots. You might want to also consider choosing a caliber in terms of context of other guns you own or that would be owned by people you spend a lot of time with. For example, if you decide or already own a Sig MPX, being able to buy 9mm in bulk and use on both platforms is convenient. It's a lesser priority, but worth considering. Likewise, if you think you might want to own a Keltec, part of the draw is you can not only use the same ammo as a Glock 17/19, but also share mags between them. Once important thing to note in your carry gun, is its worth talking to your local police department and ask what ammo they run. Practice with whatever you want and at home, load up whatever you want but when carrying, I'd advise to load whatever your local PD uses or the same type of ammo in the caliber you select. Reason being is even a justifiable shooting can get ugly and if you wind up getting dragged to court and put under serious scrutiny for your choices, having shot someone with a round type that is considered non-standard will equate to more lethal and end up causing you more headaches. Sounds super stupid (and is in fact ridiculous), but I've heard of incidents where the tables got turned and the victim ends up being sued for excessive force due to running some shit like black talon ammo. Likewise, you might want to consider CCW insurance as well. Since its so rarely used, its surprisingly cheap. It's purpose is to cover lawyer fees and all that expense should you find yourself in court over a justifiable shooting.
  12. 30-06 is a nice caliber. Don't have a lot of experience with it, but looks great on paper, has withstood the test of time and always hearing great things. .223 / 5.56 is fun. Its not a great round, but it really did fulfill the requirement it was made for, which is a cheap round, easy to carry in volume and effective at the distance most engagements were occurring at during that time. I suspect it'll be around for a lot longer if not constantly going up against 7.62 and the longer range that entails, would likely still be the military's first choice. @+plus+Good form in that you didn't chicken wing out your elbow. Might help if you use your front hand on the rail and use the forward grip just to know where to place your hand rather than actually gripping it. Chris Costa pushes that super long forward reach, but truth is it really does help drive the gun to targets much faster without the sway and also helps keep the gun flatter after recoil so you can get another round on target a little faster.
  13. misteraven


    Its weird cause I seem to always love blazers, though never think to call it out as my favorite. I do where a ton of them, but probably more Dunks than anything. I like AF1's as well, but they feel a little too "hip hop" for me.
  14. How was it? More into amateur, straight to kindle, post apocalyptic sci-fi, but that seems interesting.
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