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It’s crazy how quickly “her body, her choice” goes out the window once it involves an ederly parent


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My mom had a rotator cuff surgery on monday and opted for a repair instead of a shoulder replacement, against her doctor’s and family’s wishes. 

my sister is the biggest bleeding heart lib, blue no matter who, ally, person you can envision. Her Obama bumper sticker is still riding next to her Hillary bumper sticker, next to her Bernie bumper sticker , next to her Biden bumper sticker … on her Prius of all whips

My mom’s application for state provided home nursing was denied. I’m up here for week 1 for transport to/from surgery and initial care for the rough week right after surgery. since claim denial, I have extended my leave from work into week 2. She will be in a sling 8 weeks total. Dominant hand is disabled in the sling, so she is unable to open pill bottles, cook, wash dishes, change her sheets, bath properly, empty/change colostomy bag (yep) etc….


im trying to get sis to do a rotation of care and help out. And today she threw out “she should’ve just got the shoulder replaced”


I bit my tongue and kept rolling. 

just a silly fucking thing I needed to type out somewhere to maintain my frame. 

seeing your parent get old is tough. 

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