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In reconnecting with my long repressed "Inner child" that life and the rat race attempts to beat out of adults, in recognisance of having already "Won the (rat) race" years ago I remembered perhaps my most egotistical act of all time.


As a 11 year old running the 100m sprint in our interschool athletics carnival, my nemesis Justin Phillips from another school who hated I beat him every year was talking shit in the lead up to the race which I talked shit back.


So imagine when the last 15 metres of the race I realised I had already won, so I did a 180 degree turn and gave him the double middle finger as I crossed the line running backwards laughing like a maniac prior to him sumo charging into me when he crossed the line in 2nd place.


Hilarious recalling it now.


Feel free to detail hilarious stories of egomaniacal behaviours you have been guilty of. Or just laugh as you picture this tiny mulleted kid wearing Jordan VII Bordeaux's pulling such a stunt in 92.


Edited by Mauler5150
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6 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Cool thread idea

i want to participate but am having a tough time coming up with a story to share lol

As I mentioned in the submarine thread, if there are any other ostentacious displays of ego from Third parties, feel free to add them also.



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Also, I should add that my story was possibly 91.


 And like all good childhood confrontations, a couple years later Justin and I met outside of the competitive athletics arena and we were all cool with mutual respect held between us as without a worthy antagonist, I couldn't play the role of protagonist.


Then his football team's coach was some rich dude who paid the best 15-16 year old players from other teams to join up to make a super team, ended up beating us 4 times straight over a couple of years, only to then have lost their grand final anyway in the ultimate karmic redemption.


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