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Why is brisk getting worst at graffiti, i can understand if you just don't have it in you or really don't care but give me a break. I mean it looks like o-matic's handstyle around your piece, theirs no need for you to skip any steps lets start with handstyle then move to throw-ups then straight letters AND THEN the pieces you're trying to paint. By the way keep doing what your doing o-matic just dont post any of your own flicks on here, you'll feel much better about it when someone goes out of their way to flick it and post it.

For the record im not talking shit, just helping people improve on their sprays.

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nice post wesley!

lot of homies in there doing the damn thing. UPFE getting it in!


as far as your opinion "american hostage". its pretty clear you got some kind of personal issue with brisk, which i encourage you to deal with on your own time. the fact is.. a huge percentage of writers get to a peak of their style development and then start to decline. if you were as down with graffiti as you think you are you would realize that. even the greatest of great writers gets to a peak. its really just a tiny percentage of people who continue to advance. i could make a list of the illest writers who have hit a peak and either stayed holding down a solid style, or started to decline. you grow up, you get bigger more important priorities, etc.. or if you are a toy you would use your toy brain and deem it as "falling off" whatever..


better to encourage younger cats coming up than get all worried about what some people in the middle of nowhere are not doing to your satisfaction.

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