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Yeah, just being cute/freight nerdy with it. The knuckles are the connection point but what I generally show is the End of Train (EOT) device AKA the Flashing Rear End Device (FRED). I don't know all the laws/regs but a travelling freight is supposed to have one on its rear. At times you may see a red flag in its place, or a caboose, which is what the device took the place of over time. Other day I saw a short line rolling without one and can only assume it was because they had to travel at a low, restricted speed the whole way or maybe because they were travelling their own stretch of line that no other freights travel on, because otherwise someone fucked up royally on that. But yeah, it signals the end of the train, or in this case, the end of the post.


For your purposes, if you see a train in the yard with one of those and it's flashing, it means that train is going to be pulling out of the yard shortly. If it's on the end of the train but not flashing, that's likely a line that is put together and ready to go out at a later time. For the noobs, if you see one of those coming at you in the dark get the fuck out of the way- there's a train backing up at you! Sometimes that will be your only warning, no real sounds, just that flashing red light coming at you.

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A while back I was walking down a main line checking out track side spots and found a freddy light. (Things are quite heavy) I figured they're expensive and they would want it returned. Took it to the main csx yard here and they were thrilled and very thankful, gave me a tour of the yard. But made me check my phone in at the desk so I wasn't able to get any pictures. For safety reasons Im guessing. Im sure they are very strict on things that can be a distraction.

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