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So I was wondering why all you fucking cry babies....


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Prove it.


They lived there, you's didn't.

You's moved in with the momentum of the world feeling sorry for you's after WW2, and snatched that shit up.

There's nothing to prove, it's all common knowledge.

Just like it's common knowledge what the Nazis did to your peoples.



Oh wait... you were just being a wise ass. :lol:

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DAO, Jesus was not actually his real name. It was Yeshua, which translates to Joshua. Yes of course there are other people named Joshua at the time.


The current use of the word "Jesus" was the result of transliteration over the centuries from Hebrew text to the original Greek Bible to various European languages.


Casek was clearly trying to imply that Joshua and Jesus were the same person.


Joshua (Jesus) was a Jew. Did you forget that?



He might have even been trying to pull some trickery to see if it would fly right over my head so that he could call me out on some trick question type shit, only minus the question.

Being as I'm not even a christian, he might have actually succeeded if he had gone for some more obscure shit that would've flown over my head.



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You gotta stop using this term invaded. The Jews were purchasing land off the locals for decades before there were any wars of violence.


there was no invasion, be really clear on that. It is a reality that has evolved/occurred through migration since late 1800s/early 1900s.



You're so full of shit, and you know this.

Keep using your job description as an excuse to spread lies.

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They are. It's different variations of the same name. What other Joshua were you thinking of?



You know.......the other one.



JD: I wasn't trying to trick you in any way. I said Yeshua and then told you the translation

to English is Joshua. I also say YHVH or Jehovah a lot, as God is a title.


If you could travel back to Yeshua's time and walk the same streets, and just decided to yell

out "Jesus! Hey, Jesus!" No one would look around. However, if you yelled out "Hey! Yeshua!"

a lot of people would turn to look at you, as that was a common name in those times.


Do you honestly think that they had names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, Peter, James, John, etc.? They didn't speak English. These are translations.

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They're not the same biblical person though.

Like how Casek was trying to imply that they were.

And you know this.


I don't think Casek was trying to imply that they were the same people. He only said that Joshua is a transliteration of Yeshua.


Yes, the Book of Joshua is from the Old Testament. Obviously he couldn't be Jesus since the Old Testament predated Jesus. That particular "Joshua" died centuries before Jesus was born.

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You're so full of shit, and you know this.

Keep using your job description as an excuse to spread lies.


HAhaha, you idiot.


you have no idea at all, do you?


You're one of these guys who just 'thinks' he knows things and will argue about anything without every researching or knowing jack shit.


So, the Palestinians were "invaded" in 1948 were they?


Show me ANYTHING from ANYWHERE that says that, ya dickhead!!




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




PS, I've never mentioned my job in any of these conversations here but if you want to be a tool about it, I'm an East Asian analyst, that means China, Japan and stuff, ya fucking mook!!!

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And there it is, the anti-Israel bias in full effect.



You watch a video of a few 20 year olds in bars talking shit and that means that Israelis are spiteful towards the US and there shouldn't be a relationship between the US and the whole country. You put this down to them seeing images of the US living fast and enjoying life but you say that they are misguided because it is not representative of the whole population.


You see a clip of a few drunken younger people talking shit and you can generalise that to the whole nation and want to cut off diplomatic ties. They see clips of US living free and fast but are wrong to generalise that to the whole nation.


Not only is this plainly fucking stupid as an analysis but you obviously have one standard of behaviour for Israelis that you hold for yourself. You can generalise but they can't.



And as for the killing of the ISraeli soldiers, they were on their side of the border trimming trees but you have no problem with them getting killed.


Second, Pease Boats?!! Oh damn.... Even Fethullah Gulen, the leading Islamist in Turkey said that they boats were obviously challenging the ISraeli govt/army and this was a wrong thing to do. Yet you prefer to see them as "peace boats". lol....





Can you see how your views lack credibility due to an overt anti-Israeli bias?




Note I said anti-Israeli, not anti-Semitic.


once again, i never said anything of the sort out of the like twenty things you just accused me of advocating in your reply. you need to chill out.

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My point in this thread is that most people here have one standard they hold Israel to and they think that the Arabs in the region are all a bunch of fucking angels. Turks get killed by Israeli's everyone spits blood, Israelis get killed by Lebs, no one says shit.


no one is a bunch of angels, i certainly don't think arabs are a bunch of angels either. i've stated before that i think all government is corrupt, and that is a reflection of human society. so if you think i personally have a bias towards israel you're wrong.


did you ever think its possible that israel gets a lot of flack for their corruption because those who appease to israel or sympathize with israel are so quick to viciously attack anyone who criticizes it for it's faults? as an american, i know that if you even slightly dissent from issues regarding israel it could end up being political suicide, and i also know that pro-israel lobbying is one of the strongest advocacy groups in america who attempt to control and censor political discussions involving the state. that could possibly be the reason for so much anti-israel sentiment on the web, and world wide. israel, like many other corrupt governments across the globe, attempt to portray a face of innocence when in reality they are involved in some of the worst oppression known to mankind. it's hypocritical, and everyone enjoys pointing out hypocrisy.


on both sides, both scenarios are disappointing and have a deeper meaning then just the crossing of restricted borders. it's a sensitive topic because of these deeper issues that were slightly touched upon in this thread, and there is a lot of differing opinions and arguments. i personally think the government of israel, and israeli sympathizers attempt to censor these sort of discussions and that is probably a reason for all of the bias against israel's policies, and the state of israel in general. that's a pretty logical, common sense assumption... it shouldn't be that much of a surprise why no one is concerned about the flip side of the dilemma.

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did you ever think its possible that israel gets a lot of flack for their corruption because those who appease to israel or sympathize with israel are so quick to viciously attack anyone who criticizes it for it's faults?

Yeah that's true, no doubt.


as an american, i know that if you even slightly dissent from issues regarding israel it could end up being political suicide, and i also know that pro-israel lobbying is one of the strongest advocacy groups in america who attempt to control and censor political discussions involving the state





that could possibly be the reason for so much anti-israel sentiment on the web, and world wide. israel, like many other corrupt governments across the globe, attempt to portray a face of innocence when in reality they are involved in some of the worst oppression known to mankind. it's hypocritical, and everyone enjoys pointing out hypocrisy.


I like doing that with China, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


on both sides, both scenarios are disappointing and have a deeper meaning then just the crossing of restricted borders. it's a sensitive topic because of these deeper issues that were slightly touched upon in this thread, and there is a lot of differing opinions and arguments. i personally think the government of israel, and israeli sympathizers attempt to censor these sort of discussions and that is probably a reason for all of the bias against israel's policies, and the state of israel in general. that's a pretty logical, common sense assumption... it shouldn't be that much of a surprise why no one is concerned about the flip side of the dilemma.


I agree with all of that and I think it has a lot to do with it. I also think that there are a lot of misconceptions and misguided opinions out thee as to what is going on. Israel is in a horrible strategic position and has horrible history of persecution and this makes them waaaaay over-aggressive. They also screw up pretty bad and never publicly accept fault, the recent flotilla crisis being the perfect example. Boarding the vessels is still something that myself and some friends who have experience in planning and launching ops like that cannot understand. Was like they walked in to some one's fist.


On another note, I hear that a 20 vessel flotilla is being planned, so it aint over yet either.

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HAhaha, you idiot.


you have no idea at all, do you?


You're one of these guys who just 'thinks' he knows things and will argue about anything without every researching or knowing jack shit.


So, the Palestinians were "invaded" in 1948 were they?


Show me ANYTHING from ANYWHERE that says that, ya dickhead!!




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




PS, I've never mentioned my job in any of these conversations here but if you want to be a tool about it, I'm an East Asian analyst, that means China, Japan and stuff, ya fucking mook!!!


You've told me what your REAL job is in PM's.

Unless you were lying.


Either way, real recognize real and question the fake.

You're clearly deliberately spreading lies.

Why are you doing that?

You're obviously not stupid to have your position, so then you must be lying for a reason.

I can understand somebody like MAR just sticking up for his peoples, but what is your ulterior motive?

Are they really paying you that much to throw your morals and objectivity under the bus?

I seriously doubt that your job is paying you THAT much money.

Maybe you need to take a serious look at yourself in the mirror for a minute or two.

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